Weekend Wrap Up

Monday, November 8, 2010

Weekend Wrap Up

Well, as you all know the flu hit our house this weekend, just what we wanted.  But we all survived and everyone is back to their normal selves.  Well, as normal as we can be.  Josh felt good enough to go hunting on Saturday evening, and all of the rest paid off, he finally got a deer.  Holy cow (or holy deer?)!  lol.  I knew if he stayed and slept at home he wouldn't go and sleep in the tree.  No joke, once they go out hunting for like the fourth week in a row and don't kill a single thing, you seriously start thinking that they are sleeping.  It's like, this can NOT be this hard.  Anyways, he was happy about the deer and Stella and I pretended like we were too.  Sunday I worked at CK and then Stella and I hung out the rest of the day.  This time change stuff isn't going to well for her.  She went to bed at 6:30 last night thinking it was 7:30 (her normal bedtime-ish) and woke up at 4:30 this morning.  Yes, I said 4:30.  Wide wake.  Anyone have any tips for helping your child adjust to the time change??!  Well, that's our weekend in a nutshell.  Exciting, be jealous.  This week Wednesday is my birthday!!  Swaaeeeett!  The big 2.4.  Watch out.  One more year til cheaper car insurance.  lol.  Have a good week!


Ashley Mitchell said...

When my son was that little i tried keeping him up about 15-20 min longer each night until he was back to his normal bed time. I think it worked, he's almost 4 now so it's a little foggy :)

Anonymous said...

Time change and babies not a good thing! I agree! This is what we did last night so she woldnt wake up early (so we could sleep) lol! She goes to bed at 8 but for her it felt like 9 so she was crabby. We jsut forced her to stay up till 8 played with her gave her a late bath and bottle and she went right to sleep and was mad at me this morning when i had to go in at 6:30 to wake her. I mean she was really mad. I think she was yelling at me. LOL! I mean dotn get me wrong it was really hard to ge ther to stay up and she was crabby tho whole time but it was worth it to her and to me! Good luck tonight!


Cassie said...

Thanks girls! I guess tonight I am going to try to keep her up about an hour later. I NEED some sleep.

Ha, Trina I love how you said she was mad at you. lol. Too funny.