Dear Boot Camp

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dear Boot Camp

Dear Boot Camp, what the hell?!!?  We have been together for 5 weeks now.  I lost 2 pounds the first week, gained a pound the second week, then lost a pound again, then yesterday when I weighed in I was back at my starting weight, so I gained TWO pounds!  WTF.  I only ate ice cream ONE TIME this week, and I hardly drank any beer.  I guess I need to stick with drinking more beer, that seemed to have helped me lose weight before.  Ugh.  Frustrating.  I have given up soda, I hardly eat fast food, I just stare at the jar of Starbursts on my desk instead of reaching my hand in there, and I have cut back to only 2 cups of coffee a day.  What else do you want from me?!?!  I am going to try my hardest to lose those two stinking pounds next week, so you better prepare yourself.  Love, Cassie