Weekend Wrap Up

Monday, January 25, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up

happy monday!
and woah, the last week of january already.
should i say, 11 months until christmas.  ha.
yeah, i went there.

on to the weekend............
the kiddos were off to their dad's for the weekend, but not before stella had her first orthodontist appointment.
yeah like i thought those waited until 7th or 8th grade.
not for poor stella.
she was blessed to have the same jaw/mouth issues as her dad.
her teeth are great, it's her jaw.
it just doesn't line up.
so we are now on an every four month schedule to keep a close eye on it.
fingers crossed.
let's hope she gets his vision then too.
i can handle a bad jaw, but a bad jaw and bad vision like her mom.
let's give her some hope.  lol.
after the ortho i took them to their dad's and then put on my waitressing clothes and went to work at ck.  hadn't done that on a friday night in quite awhile.
i just love that little place.
saturday morning i was up early.
it was wedding dress day.
josh was nice enough to let me pick up stella and take her along with us.
because sister LOVES weddings.
we said YES to the dress (and no it's NOT this one).
but i LOVE IT.
and i am so excited!!
someone wanted her turn to try on dresses too.
she looked SO CUTE.
and has decided she needs a dress that goes all the way to the floor too.
so we are on the hunt!
after shopping we headed to the bean tree for lunch and then back home.
to my couch.
it was SO relaxing.  lol.
jon and i met up with kendra for dinner and then back to the couch we went.
sunday morning we woke up and said 'ok we NEED to be productive today.'
so we got up and meal prepped and then worked on getting the trim put back in kitchen.
only one more trip to home depot and we should have it all back together!  yay!
got to get the kids back early for jon's cousins birthday and we enjoyed some time there.
got home, relaxed and played legos.
perfect ending to our weekend.
this morning someone had a serious case of the mondays though.....
i feel you brother.
i feel you.

have a good week!!
here's to some warmer weather - yay!


Anonymous said...

Ahhh wedding dress picture makes me so happy!! I'm SO SO happy for you! You deserve this.

but wait it's not black and it does all the way to the floor. Did Henry see this picture??! How did he handle it?!