
Wednesday, July 2, 2014


funny thing fear is.
how did i go from hating riding the ferris wheel at the picnic on saturday.....
to climbing a 200 and something foot crane at work today.
but i did it.
and it was beautiful!!
i am putting this up in my office today!!
funny how they "forgot" to tell me to wear gloves.
i think momma needs a manicure now.  ouchy!

seriously - do something you are scared to do today.
it's not as scary as you think!


Anonymous said...

seriously that second picture I can't even handle that!! And to think you literally climbed, wind blowing in your hair up that ladder to get to the top! Brave soul!!

elle rae-marie said...

needed this today! also of course you need a manicure - treat yourself! :)

Shannon Q. said...

High five for punching fear in the face! :)

Myssie@PendletonMarket said...

Looking at the pictures makes me a little uneasy!! You're awesome!!

Adrien said...

Good for you! I don't have a huge fear of heights or anything, but even that would be a lot for me! Fear is a mind game, and you beat it! :)