High Five Friday!

Friday, April 26, 2013

High Five Friday!

hey guys!  it's actually me - finally blogging this week.
not being lazy and letting someone else take over.
sorry about that, momma had some stuff to take care of...
but now it's friday and life is good!!
BOTH of my sisters will be at my house when we get home today.
how awesome is that!
even more awesome is this:
surprising them at the airport last night!  they didn't know the kids were coming.  so it was a great surprise when they came out of the gates and S&H went RUNNING to them.
and i just sat there smiling ear to ear and tearing up.  it was ADORABLE!
and as you can tell by stella's face -she was nothing but EXCITED!
henry on the other hand was just so anxious to show Lacie and Phil his belly.
and yes, we of course only wear the best outfits to the airport.  ha.
guitar pants and camo shirts one?  how about pjs and sandals.  thank goodness only these two knew us.
henry of course wasn't pumped to be at the airport way past his bedtime.  picture me taking this picture and him saying 'noooooo!'  and stella saying, 'lacie's coming henry, and phil!'
stella just sat their patiently waiting telling me how the airplane was honking its horn and parking in the garage.  it was adorable.  the older lady next to us couldn't stop smiling.  lol.
and let's talk about how i feel like a brand new woman at work now a days.
look at this monster of a screen - FINALLY!!  woohoo!!
oh and we have a new kid in town.  elton.
good thing he's cute, because getting to bed around midnight last night and then up at 520 this morning for a straight up Caillou party with him is BRUTAL!
thank the lord for the iPad.  ps it's been awhile since he have had a pantless picture of hen on the blog.  ha.
so i'd say we have a major high five for the week and even more high fives for the weekend!!
what's not to high five about a wedding weekend and nothing but family time!!
next week we are wrapping up 30 miles in 30 days on Tuesday, writing my LAST RENT CHECK on Wednesday (eeee!!!) and then bracing myself for my first golf outing that i am playing in and first mud run.
so here's to a fun weekend!!  be safe.


The Pink Growl said...

I have major 30 in 30 catch up to do this weekend, but it will be good for me! Enjoy this time with your sisters honey!

Anonymous said...

Awwww :) SO cute that Stella & Henry were at the airport to see Lacie & Phil! That would have had me tearing up too. PRECIOUS! Everyone in that picture looks so happy to see each other :)

Adrien said...

What a great night! I'd be shocked if your kiddos didn't take awesome naps today, haha. Hope you have a fun weekend!

Unknown said...

Hi this is a lovely blog honey I think we should follow on GFC and Bloglovin? what do you think?

let me know I'll follow back for sure

New post is up on my blog you should have a look :)