Top 11 in 2011

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Top 11 in 2011

it's been a good year.
what more can i ask for besides an amazing family, friends, healthy babies, easy pregnancies, a job, a home
i could go on and on.
here are a few of my top favs of the year.
in no particular order.....

1. my daughter.
ahhhh stella you have changed my world for the better.
sometimes you are almost two going on almost twenty but you make me want to be a better person.
you make me laugh every day.  thank you for being you.
i still can NOT believe you are going to be two in a few short weeks.
i love you to the moon and back.

2, my son.
henry, i was scared out of my mind to have a boy, but you have been a breeze.
you are the best baby, so laid back and such a lover.
i love the way you look at us like we are crazy, it cracks me up.
you are the perfect little boy i have always dreamed of.  i love you.

3. becoming an aunt.
tenley brooke you are beautiful.
i didn't know i could love someone as much as i love my children until you were born.
i can't wait to watch you and stella and henry grow up together. <3

4. seeing Oprah.
what an amazing experience.
i am EXTREMELY fortunate to have had this opportunity.

5. my best friends becoming mommies.
so many of my friends have been blessed with babies this year.
kim who now has a the most perfect son and daughter my children to marry, landon and layla.
kristen and her two beautiful baby boys tyson and rowan.
erin and the adorable miss lyla.
nikki and her angel baby haylee.
kendra and her perfect birthday present faye.
god is good.

6.  my 1 year bloggerversary
i have been blogging for a little over a year and a half and i love it.
i have gained so many friends and been introduce to a whole new world that i love.

7.  discovering pinterest
i mean where else can i re-plan my wedding, droll over home decor i will never have, diy projects i will never be able to master, food i will guarantee mess up and waste a shit ton of time.
thank you pinterest, i love you.

8. getting an iphone.
i am finally super cool and have an iphone.
you know, it's cool to be a year behind the trends, right?
thank you iphone, i am addicted.
now if i just knew how to use you......

9.  my hickey besties getting married.
it is true that you find some of your truest friends in college and i for sure did in these two girls.
kathy and matt
katie and andy

10.  a promotion at work.
not only am i fortunate to have a job, i work for an AMAZING company that i love.
i have worked my way up in the almost five years i have been here and i love where i am at.
hard work does pay off!

11.  turning the big 25.
yes, it happened, i am now 25.
as hard of a time that i have had with it, it's not really that bad.
it's just a number.
and shit, i think i've done some pretty awesome things in 25 years!
here's to 25 and many many more!!

So bring it 2012.  I am ready.
Happy New Year!!


Ashley Mitchell said...

I honestly can't believe the year is almost over. It has flown! Mason is 7 months old! How did that happen? I just had him. :)

Zack is gonna be 5! Holy cow, I have a 5 year old. He is a kid now! :( Makes me happy and sad all at the same time.

I know I don't blog, but just reading them has brought me lots of new friends also. :) Who knows, maybe I will FINALLY start one.

Cassie said...

i know ashley!! where did the year go. it is CRAZY!!
to think last year at this time i was just a few week along with henry and he will be four months tomorrow. CRAZY!
i am super glad we have become friends. you crack me up and you are always a good time!!

Ashley Mitchell said...

Aww thanks. Same to you! :)

Adrien said...

Love that so many of your favorite things are people - they're the best! I'm very thankful for your friendship this year, even if we've only seen each other face to face a handful of times. :) I hope that the Walter's have a wonderful New Year!

Heather said...

I love that Pinterest made your list. I'm thankful for the 2 babies I got in 2011 as well.

Anonymous said...

Love your list! You are a very lucky momma. I love reading stories about Stella & Henry. They are too cute and always entertaining.
Awww yay for Hickey besties!! :)

Kendall said...

Wow, I'd say you've accomplished quite a lot in one year! You should feel so proud!

Also, be sure to come by my blog this week. I'm hosting a Rifle Paper Co. giveaway!