Weekend Wrap-Up

Monday, December 13, 2010

Weekend Wrap-Up

For some reason I felt like this was the longest weekend.  I have no idea why.  I enjoyed every bit of it, but it just felt so long for some reason.
Friday night I worked at CK.  Nothing too exciting there.  I did get this picture on my phone while I was there.
Messy baby.  Thanks for all of the advice on the food ideas last week.  As of right now Stella is pretty happy with the ABC's and 123's and Meatballs, as you can tell she REALLY likes them.  Now if I can just get Daddy to remember to either roll up her sleeves or not let her eat stuff like this when she has WHITE sleeves.....
Saturday I was back at it again at the ole CK.  It was cold and rainy and nasty and therefore no one was out eating. Oh well.  Daddy and Stella hung out around the house, but boy oh boy did I come home to a grouchy husband.  Geesh. So I showered and Stella and I were off to American Nails.  I like that Amy, the owner, knows my name, even if she does call me Casey.  lol.  Stella had never been there before and I just needed to get my brows done.  So we walked in and Amy was quick to welcome us and then quick to grab Stella right out of my hands.  It was too cute.  Stella was a little shy at first, but warmed up quickly.  I can't wait until her first birthday.  We are totally going to pull a Farrah and Sophia and go get our nails done for her birthday.  lol.  We ran a few more errands and by time we got back home Daddy had gotten some piece and quite and a nap so he was much happier.  PTL.  Maybe I should try that, oh wait, Mommy's don't get breaks.......
Stella was going to stay the night at Grandma and Grandpa Walters house that night.  So while we were all getting ready little miss discovered the toilet.  Yes, nasty.  I snapped this photo AFTER I put the lid down.  When I found her she had both hands wrapped around the toilet seat.  Barf, I know.  After I cleaned her hands and arms and face and anything else I thought might have touched the toilet, and then lysoled down the toilet she was back at it again.  This time just using the seat for a drum.  It took me years to get Daddy to put the seat DOWN now let's hope it doesn't take me that long to tell him to put the LID down too.
We finally were all ready and ventured out into the cold.  We dropped Stella off and headed to Evansville for the Democratic Christmas Party.  Hey, it was free food.  lol.  Just kidding.  We enjoy it.  We met up with the Jones' (yep, we keep up with them, baha) and The Lukes for a wild night at Sue's.  And boy oh boy did we have some fun.  Kim and I were ready to venture out to Jan's but the boys were party poopers so we headed home.  I'm sure all the rest of you woke up on Sunday morning to SNOW!  Woohoo.  Sad that my sleeping in now a days is 8:00.  But we were out on the road at 8:30 to go get our little baby in Sparta.  40 MINUTES LATER, geesh, we finally made it there.  Thanks snow and wind and crazy drivers.  We were supposed to head to Herrin for a Christmas Cookie Exchange and Ugly Sweater Party.  I had an awesome outfit and some sweet cookies made, but Herrin got WAY more snow then we did so it was canceled.  Great, just what I need, four dozen cookies sitting at my house.  We just hung around the house all day and enjoyed, No Nap Sunday, ugh.  When cranky pants (Stella, not Josh, ha) finally decided to fall asleep for a nap it was 5:00 and we were meeting my Mom and sister at 5:30 for dinner.  Oh well, the 30 minute nap was good enough for her.  She was back to being a silly baby and showing off at the restaurant again.  lol.  Grandpa Steibel came over when we got home for his "Stella fix" and then she was off to bed and so was I.  I try to think if there is something wrong with me being in bed by 8:30 or 9:00 every night and welp, nope, I don't see a damn thing wrong with it.  :)


Erin said...

I eat cookies..

Cassie said...

Well then Stella Claus might be bringing you and baby Wilson some cookies!!