Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I don't think I have come across a single Zac Brown Band song that I don't like.  Well, ok, maybe I skip over Chicken Fried when it's on the radio because it was over played entirely too much, but this has to be my ultimate favorite song right now.  And it doesn't help that the love of my life AJ does this as a duet.  Anything with Alan Jackson just makes me happy.
If you haven't heard their new song "As She's Walking Away" (look in the top right corner to play the song when you go to their page) you totally should.  I LURVE IT!

Just makes me think of people we have let walk out of our lives without telling them how we really feel; in a good way of course, I mean there are those few people we would really like to tell how we feel, but that's for a different post.  lol.  Just kidding.  Enjoy it!