29 Weeks Old and 29 Changes

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

29 Weeks Old and 29 Changes

Happy 29th Week Birthday Stella!!! 
Wow, that was the quickest 29 weeks EVER.  So if I was still pregnant that would mean, I only had 11 more weeks to go, and I would be in my third trimester.  Which would have put me close to around Thanksgiving time.  Which means I was probably a very happy pregnant lady right now because I knew I could eat at Thanksgiving like nobodies business!  :)

So now being with your for 29 weeks there are defiantly things about me that have changed.  Mostly ALL for the better!  So here are 29 things I believe have changed for me, because of you. 
This should be interesting.....
1.  I truly feel that you have made me a better person.
2.  I still can't do a jumping jack without peeing a bit.
3.  When I feel the urge to be the crazy lady I used to be, you come to my mind right away, and make me think twice.
4.  My social life has been cut in half, but I LOVE that the new half belongs to you.
5.  Before you I will admit babies scared me a bit, but now, I can't see one without saying/thinking "awww."
6.  I am a coupon freak, all to save money so you can have what you deserve.
7.  Coors Light gives me a hang over, or maybe I just don't drink that much anymore and so I am a light weight.  Either way, HUGE change, and I'm not sure if I like it.
8.  The show Teen Mom has a whole new meaning to me.
9.  I now understand how hard you really do have to work at a marriage to make it wok especially with a baby.
10.  When I work at Country Kitchen and come home with my tip money I don't think of what I can buy for me, I think of what I can save for, for you.
11.  I'm up by 6:00 a.m. usually every day, including weekends.
12.  I haven't slept past 8:30 a.m.since you were born.
13.  My driving with you in my car is WAY different than my driving without you. 
14.  I never leave the house without kissing you goodbye.
15.  I secretly wish we could match our clothes more often, but I won't do that too you.
16.  Tori Spelling is my "creative Mom" inspiration and Caroline Manzo is my 'tough Mom' inspiration.
17.  I sit back and think of all the crazy stuff I have done and realize oh yes, I am in for it TWICE as worse, I know it!
18.  Poop on my fingers still grosses me out, but no where near as much as it used to.
19.  Dirt under my nails is ALWAYS questioned as dirt or not.
20.  My boobs are bigger than what they were before I had you.  (I thought they were supposed to go back to their size).
21.  I have become more of a "Susie Homemaker."
22.  I am even later now than what I was before I had you.
23.  I have a whole new appreciation for daycare workers.
24.  I still don't understand why people have one child and get a van.
25.  I have traded manicures for bottle washing.  Every night when I wash your bottles I just think, ok, this is good for my hands.  Therefore, I buy good feeling dish soap. ;)
26.  I will purchase a boppy for every single baby shower I go to from here on out.  Best gift!
27.  I never knew it was possible to love someone so incredibly much.
28.  When I pray, you are the first thing I pray for.
29.  I have realized that nothing will be the same way it ever was because of you, and I LOVE my new changed life!