Let's Do this Preschool Thing!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Let's Do this Preschool Thing!

I woke up this morning thinking, were did the time go?
Ok, actually that’s a complete lie.  I hardly slept last night, everything running through my mind to make sure we didn't forget anything and that we got to school on time.
How is my baby girl in SCHOOL? 
I remember the day she was born.  I felt blessed and terrified.
And still to this day I feel that.  Because that’s what parenting feels like.
A constant switch between feeling blessed and terrified.
On your first day of school that describes my emotional state.

Dear Stella,
As you enter school today with a bunch of other kids who are complete strangers, there are some things I want you to know.
There are days that will be fun and exciting and days that will really stink.  This is ok.  It’s all part of growing up.  You can’t enjoy the mountaintop without the climb.
Always have faith. 
Whatever is happening to you, talk to me.  You are never alone.
Sometimes people are nice and sometimes they are mean.  This has NOTHING to do with you, and everything to do with them.  Stay nice.
Boys that are cute on the outside aren't always cute on the inside.  Character matters.  Go with your gut.
Don’t ever, for a second, compare yourself to others.  Don’t do it!  Each person is unique and beautiful.  We came in all shapes and sizes.  We excel at different things.  We all have different gifts.  But we are ALL important.
Always try.  Try to get good grades.  Try to make friends.  Try to get involved.  You have to put yourself out there to grow.  This is going to be scary, but the more you do it, the easier it gets.
Have fun!  There’s absolutely NO RUSH to grow up.  Life is what you bring to it, so bring joy.
Believe in yourself!!  I believe in you, your family believes in you, but what really matters is that YOU believe in you.
I thank God every day for putting us together.  For knowing I need you and you need me. 
Let’s do this!

Love, Mom


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you & Stella! I know today was hard but day one is almost over.


The Pink Growl said...

you both are presh!

Anonymous said...

This could be the sweetest letter you have written to Stella!!

Hope she has a blast on her first day of school. :)

Erin @ Happily Obsessed said...

Such a sweet post to Stella!!!

Unknown said...

Happy 1st day of school Stella! I hope it is everything you need it to be and more!
Ms. Cassie, you made me cry! I <3 you! You are an incredible person!

Unknown said...

Holy tears! This is one of the sweetest posts and just reminds me how amazing of a mom you are! You have a raised an amazing little girl! Best of luck in pre-k Stella :)

Amanda aka Manda said...

You two are too precious! I absolutely love your letter to Stella!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh this could not have been writtem any better. You nailed every point perfectly. Brought tears to my eyes!
