Weekend Wrap Up

Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up

first, let's catch  up.
thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart for the amazing comments left on my blog from wednesdays post.  you all are too much.  thank you!
sorry about not posting thursday - i think my heart was just still SO happy from wednesday.
friday - well i was supposed to play in a golf tournament.
yes yes, let the questions start.  you golf?  do you even own clubs?
trust me i got all kinds of looks when i told people at work this.  i just kept saying, it was for a women in construction event, i didn't have a choice....
and thank the lord god was on my side that day and i didn't have to make a fool of my damn self.
the rain wouldn't stop and the outing got cancelled.
trust me when i say i had a PTL moment in my car when i got that e-mail.
so i turned right around, picked up S&H and headed to CK for breakfast, and then we enjoyed the rest of the day at home together.  it was perfect!!  and WAY better than golf.  ha.
stella was bound and determined to go outside and play in the rain.  and this is the outfit she chose.  lawd, someone's going to marry that some day.  hot!  she kept calling her rams jersey her baseball shirt.  lol.  too funny.  henry, well i still have SOME hold on what henry wears.  except he was determined he was wearing these sandals to play outside.  pick your battles i guess....
there were also plenty of these moments too
man i love these two!!  we need more PTO fridays.
and then the time came for them to head to daddy's for the weekend.
so we packed up the car and headed over to his house.
and then JH and i headed to target.  wild friday night.  lemme tell ya.
saturday morning i was up WAY to early for a saturday to do my first ever mud run.
look i was excited about this.  until it was 40 and rainy.
i was excited about this, until i saw that everyone looked straight up military style.
i was excited about this until i got there, and then i was just over it.
ha - but really, i am super glad to say i completed it.  but it was TOUGH.
first off we were told it was a 5k - yeah it was 5 miles.  BIG difference.
60% of the course was literally in WATER.  submerged.  chest deep.  waist deep.  either in some form of pit they made or straight up creek water.  and you know what creek water feels like on a 40 degree day?
yeah it feels like 15 degree water.  my girl parts had no feeling.  none.
but the 12 of us finished.  crossing the line together.
it was amazing team building.  and i conquered a few fears and really pushed myself.
and in one hour and 39 minutes!  go team.
all in all a proud way to go self and team SMW moment!
the last picture just cracks me up - everyone just looks so over it!
the rest of the day was spent not moving.  ha.  and i was ok with that.
sunday i was off to work at CK and then did some grocery shopping and picked up S&H.
we met papa for some tequilas and then some DQ.  and then S&H were wired!
we put on our rain boots and headed for some puddle jumping and then called it a night!
and you guessed it, we woke up again this morning, put those awesome rain boots right back on and headed to connie's.  lol.
have a great week and if you get the chance put on some rain boots and go puddle jumping.
you won't regret it!


Anonymous said...

Kiss pictures are too cute! :)

That first picture of Henry omg he looks like your Dad. So crazy!!

A mud run already sounds hard, but in cold weather and rain...yikes. Hope you have defrosted since haha

Sarah said...

fab weeekend :) I am so glad you finished that race!! awesome..

annd uh maybe i am behind or missed something, i dno how bc stalk your blog lol..but who is jh?

Unknown said...

Lovie your kiss pictures. Your S&H are so so so cute!! I'm sure they won't suffer from lack of kisses anytime soon :)

The best part about a rainy day is the puddles!!! Looking back on my childhood attire, I blamed my mom for dressing me crazy and she quickly corrected me that I was the one that insisted on wearing my fashion flop. Whoopsie ;)

Have a great week, XO

Adrien said...

Those unexpected days off usually turn out to be the best ones! I don't know if I will ever have the gumption to do anything like a mud run - good job for completing it! :)

The Pink Growl said...

Heck yeah for the mud run! one of my girlfriends is trying to talk me into doing one, but I'm not quite sold.