3 Things Thursday

Thursday, June 28, 2012

3 Things Thursday

it's supposed to be 108 today.
my lawd.
and tomorrow i'm going to be at an OUTSIDE concert.
AND i got offered cardinal tickets for saturday's game at 1:15.
i am crazy, clearly i understand that.  and i've accepted it.
now on to some more crazy stuff.........
linking up with heather

3 Things I Have Recently Learned:
*massages at work are the best idea ever.
even if they are the chair ones that last 15 minutes.
my word they are nice.
*everyone is fighting their own battle.
honestly you never know what goes on behind closed doors.
*if you buy a bag of starbucks coffee from like the grocery store and you take the empty bag to a starbucks you will get a free coffee.  how cool is that?!

3 Things You Don't Know About Me:
hmmmmm these are always so hard....
*i can't handle cats.  period.
ugh they are making my toes curl just thinking about them.
*i am kind of a cheap ass.
i mean i like my nice stuff, but there is PLENTY i can go without.
*i appreciate a clean house.
no joke every night my house gets picked up.
toys, clothes, dishes, everything.  i can't handle messes.

3 Things That Make My Heart Melt:
*how much my daughter LOVES the park
homegirl isn't scared of anything.
big slide, little slides, ladders, steps, she is all over the place.
she is one happy happy girl at the park.
and it makes me one happy and proud momma.
*henry kinda says momma.
he's all about saying dada but he's been saying momma here and there.
melts my heart.
you can't wipe the smile off my face!
*good people.
good honest geniune people - they melt my heart.

that's it!  stay outa the heat today - or find yourself a pool.
i'm thinking a pool sounds amazing.


Katie said...

Thanks for the Starbucks info! I didn't know about that either! Definitely picking up some coffee on my way home...

Heather said...

Thanks for linking up!

I can't stand cats either. Besides the fact that I'm allergic, I think they are sort of gross.

Sami said...

Feel free to come clean my house because I love things to be clean but I hate doing it. I'm kind of a brat in that way anddd I don't like cats either! Oh and your crazy for being outside all weekend.. this would only be acceptable if you were going to be in a pool!