Sometimes and Always

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sometimes and Always

i'm linking up with the cute little megan today over at mackey madness.
let's see how this goes.

sometimes: i buy super cute dresses online and think eeee i can't wait to wear that!!
always: they end up WAY to short and i feel since i'm a mom that shit doesn't fly.
so they become shirts instead
yes that was called a DRESS online.  thank you F21.

sometimes: i wish it was ok to whop people upside the head.
always: i just close my eyes and picture myself doing it instead.  ha!

sometimes: i don't understand how people can't just suck it up and do it.
always: i just end up doing it for them because regardless it has to be done.

sometimes: stella uses my chapstick.
always: i have to wipe a TON of spit off it it.
anyone wana use my chap stick?!  lol.

sometimes: i search target for cute little outfits for hen.
always: i end up finding perfectly good clothes in his closet!
thanks landon, perfect easter outfit!!

sometimes: stella wiggles her way out of her towel and runs around naked.
always: i let her play until she is dry.
less work for me, right?

sometimes: i wish my college roomie lived in my town.
always: i send her texts every time a house on my street goes up for sale.
you can move here anytime kristen!!  i have the perfect job for jer too.

sometimes: my kids fart in church.
always: stella has to acknowledge who did it and laugh.

ha, i think that's enough for today.
happy tuesday!


Ashley Mitchell said...

A dress!? Really? That's crazy!

Whop people upside the head. HA! Same here sister, same here.

Nakie Stella, too cute.

Anonymous said...

That is a dress???? Wow!

I want to whop people upside their head all the time. :) Mostly people I work with.

I wish your college roomie lived closer too. I could handle her in Red Bud!!

sblind2 said...

The dress/shirt looks cute! =) Matt shopped with me the other weekend and we walked by "teen" stores and he's like "why don't you shop there". Um, hello because I have a kid and am 30!

Megan said...

That was seriously supposed to be a dress?! Dang!! I would be nervous to wear that without pants. Haha.

Thanks for linking up with me!!