Favorite DR Quote

Monday, June 6, 2011

Favorite DR Quote

I follow Dave Ramsey and his Financial Peace University page on FB.  Today they posted one of my favorite quotes from Dave himself.  So true.....

"We spend the first 5 to 7 years of our marriage trying to attain the same standard of living as our parents—only it took them 35 years to get there!" —Dave

And then the light goes off.  Doh!  Happy Monday!


Sarah North said...

Aaaaah, thank you DR! So. True. I have to give myself a reality check pretty much weekly...YES we are newly married and NO all of our furniture/home is not going to match and be perfect! Someday, someday...

Beth said...

Perfect quote!! My favorite Dave Ramsey quote is if you are in debt, the only time you should see the inside of a restaurant is if you're working there. Makes all those McNuggets seem so not worth it - but the sweet tea is worth every penny!

Cassie said...

That is a good one Beth!!
Resturants are our WORST thing. I can go without the new clothes and all that jazz but we loving going out to eat.
Might have to tap that on our fridge!!