Happy Birthday To Me!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me!

It's birthday time!!!
Does that not make your mouth water?!!?
Well, yes it's that time of year, time to turn another year old.  The big 2.4.  Yikes!  One more year til cheaper car insurance.  lol.  Nothing to exciting this year for this Momma.  I have received tons of wishes (47 FB posts and 7 texts as of right now, lol) and I am very greatful for all the amazing friends and family I have.  Thank you and love you all!
Here's to many more!

So I thought it would be cool to see how things were back in the ole 1986.  Here's what I found:


Litney said...

i'll take some 93 cent gas! dang!
happy birthday!

Kim Luke said...

i agree Litney, & $2.22 gallon of milk, we go through milk like crazy!

Kim Luke said...

Oh, & Happy Birthday! lol