Letters to Stella

Friday, October 1, 2010

Letters to Stella

Stella, tomorrow you will be eight months old!  Hold the phone, eight months?!!?  It seems like just yesterday you were practicing your Just Dance moves on my bladder (and I kind of miss it).  You do something every single day that makes me smile and makes me so proud of you.  Every morning when I get you out of your crib you wrap your arms around my neck and give me the best hug and it changes my whole outlook on the day.  You have become quite the Mommy's girl lately (and I love it).  When I try to pass you off to other people, Dad or your teacher at DYC you grab on to my shirt and pull towards me like you don't want me to let you go, and it melts my heart.  You will fight sleep so bad, but if I take you and lay in bed with you against my chest, you are sleeping in a matter of minutes, and I could lay like that all night.  And even though you say dada like crazy, you have recently started saying baba, and I am just pretending that it's code word for Mom.  hehe.  But I know mama is coming, you are just holding off for a special occasion.  You have such a great personality.  Everyone at daycare knows your name, says bye and hi to you, loves your smile, and has something great to say about you all of the time.  I love that!  Even though you are growing faster than I ever thought possible, I have not taken a single day with you for grantite.  You still continue to make me change things about myself for the better.  There has been so much good baby news lately; Erin is having a girl, some friends of Josh's are having twins, and you have a bunch of new Walter cousins coming (as if there aren't enough to remember already).  I hope they all come into the world healthy and safe, just like you.  I hope you befriend all of them and laugh and play to your wildest imagination.
I thank God everyday that he chose me and you to be together.  I love you more and more everyday and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us.

love love


sampleletters said...

Stella looks really cute! Hope my wife who is pregnant now will have a baby soon like Stella!

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