Long Time No See

Monday, January 3, 2011

Long Time No See

Lordy, where have I been hiding?!?!  I haven't posted in for-eva!  Sorry people.
Let's see what have we been up to........
Thursday night we headed to visit The Lukes.  Josh and I both needed to show our hair some lovin' it was looking nasty.  So Kim dolled us all up.  I am now 'medium rich brown' and a little shorter and Josh is well, he just got a hair cut.  lol.  Ahhh, how I love $2 boxes of hair dye, expect for the mane I walk around with usually consumes all of two whole boxes with fingers, toes and legs crossed hoping I don't need another box, fml.  But still, what's $4 and some quality bonding time with your bff?!?!  Priceless I tell ya.
Except for the next day when you wash your hair again and use your nice white towels only to find them now slightly stained purple! (and yes I did look in the mirror right away thinking OMG - is my hair purple?  it wasn't, PTL)  I swear I learn every lesson the hard way.  Next time, USE OLD TOWELS!
Landon and Stella have been hanging out a lot lately and it's so cute to see how they play together.  He takes such good care of her and she just laughs and laughs at him.  Too cute!
New Years Eve Day we did a whole lotta nothing.  In fact we didn't even have plans to do anything that night until like 5:30.  We headed over to the Wilgraf house and watched the movie Grown Ups (would totally recommend it!) I think I drank one beer and we were home and in bed by 10:30.  I was not complaining one bit!!
Saturday morning (which felt like Sunday ALL DAY to me) we had a small christening.  Well, a Steibel Style Christening.  Now that my little sister is 21, she can officially be christen at.....
The Casino Queen!!
Yes yes, we Steibels LOVE to gamble and it was flowing through Lacie's blood ever since she turned 21.  So we met the pros (Gma and Gpa) up at The Queen, enjoyed a nice Champagne Brunch and a gambling we went.  Lacie sure was a sucka and after $40 she was ready to call it quits.  I spent $40 and made back $33, pro I tell ya.  Baha, just kidding, far from it.  But it was a fun afternoon with my grandparents.
The rest of that evening was stuck at home with a sick little baby fighting a nasty cold.  But the highlight of my evening was finding the OWN Channel.  You know, Oprah's new network.  OMG - I am in LOVE!  Every show so far has me addicted!!  I love it.  You should totally check it out.
Sunday we met the Luke's and my mom and sister at Country Kitchen to celebrate Stella's 11th month birthday!!  It was a wild party full of pancakes, american fries, coffee, and eggs scrambled for everyone.  Just kidding, but you get the picture.  lol.  The Limbaughs also came in town all the way from Southern Missouri to celebrate.  Not really they came because we hadn't seen each other in a coons age and it just happened to fall on the same day.  We enjoyed a short little visit with them before Stella's cold got even worse.  Poor little baby couldn't sleep for 10 minutes and she would cough and wake herself up.  Here she is all snuggled with Daddy:
She ran a 100 temp, her eyes were watery, her nose wouldn't stop running and a horrible cough.
So you know what that means?!?!  NO SLEEP FOR MOMMY!!  YAY!
The recliner and I have become good friends the past couple nights, but anything for my baby.
This morning when we got ready for daycare she was a bit warm up just had a high 98 temp.  Daycare said to let her try it out and if it got worse they would call me.  Stella was pumped for her ride to daycare because her carseat is now, drum roll please.........
Huge milestone here people!!  Huge!  Finally I can toss that half broken mirror that ALWAYS fell down, out the window (well, in the trash can).  PTL.  She LOVES riding forward and I love being able to see her so much more.
So that's about a five days wrap up for us.  Yes I know we are full of crazy excitement, be jealous.

I am debating on whether to do a birthday party update (because invitations are going out today), or a Help Us Decide post for our bedroom (because we are kinda stuck in a rut) OR a list of my resolutions (because I read if you actually write them down you have a 93% chance you might actually do them).  Hey, worth a shot.  So stay tuned!
Oh and Happy New Year!


Heather said...

Pssh...I wrote my resolutions down and then forgot where I put the list. I'm pretty sure that no more chocolate was on the list but Saturday night I inhaled a contraband bag of Hershey's Chocolate Drops. If you haven't met these delicious little morsels, you need to. They are totally going to accompany me on every trip to the winery from here on out.

Adrien said...

'Bout time! :D I'm super jealous that you get OWN. I thought I would, but I don't, and I'm really disappointed. Bleh. And I'm cracking up at the phrase "we hadn't seen each other in a coon's age...." I'm sure everyone else in the world has heard that, but I haven't, and it seriously makes me giggle.

Unknown said...

All my mom talks about is OWN, I saw it on the channel guide, but have not checked it out yet.
Oh, and I wanna help with the bedroom update! I LOVE doing that stuff, well I love to decorate:)