Simple Stuff

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Simple Stuff

So I just came across this site today at lunch and I am kind of addicted.  No joke.  Maybe in love.  I have been reading for about an hour (ok, maybe an hour and a half, even though lunch is only an hour).  But I have to share it with you all.  It's called Simple Mom.  And that's totally what I want to do, live simple(er), or at least try my hardest in 2011.  I have never been to money cautious until we had Stella and you realize how much you rely on that extra $155 a week that you are now spending on daycare.  Or that $20 a month on diapers.  It's crazy.  And then an even bigger eye opener when we bought our Dave Ramsey kit and look an even closer look at our finances.  It's amazing where your money goes, and when someone puts it into perspective that YOU should tell your money where to go instead of it just going, you quickly realize a lot.  Anyways, this Simple Mom touches base here and there on some money management things and ways to be frugal (which I love!).  But one that hit me was 40 Ways To Go Greener at Home (Besides Just Recycling).  I'm not talking about blending green crap in the blender and calling it dinner, walking everywhere or using herbs and 'food from the land' every day, I haven't gone that crazy folks, but just EASY things you can TOTALLY do.  I am going to try my best to do a majority of these things in my home this year.  And some of them I have already done, swaaeeet.  One that is so easy to do is using cloth napkins.  My Mom has been doing this for as long as I can remember.  And every.single.time I go to the store and spend $17.99 on my favorite Viva brand paper towels, I cringe  Or when my husband uses three paper towels to wipe up one little bitty mess I wana tell him, 'why didn't you just grab a one dollar bill outa your wallet there son and wipe it up with that.'  I mean really, isn't that what you are practically doing?!!?  Throwing your hard earned money away!  Ok, geesh, off the crazy train don't call your husband 'son.'
Another post I came across was How to Clean Your Hair Without Shampoo and How to Clean Your Face Naturally.  Yeah I'm pretty sure within the next couple of days I am going to try this!!  I would be STOKED not to have to go and spend $15 on shampoo and conditioner and face wash every freaking month.  And some days I have some pretty nasty looking hair and face, I would love to have a healthy mane and a face that didn't look like a 14 year old some days.
It's for sure a site to check out and spend a good amount of time on.  You never know, a few simple changes here and there could add up to a lot of savings!!


Heather said...

Okay...I read the article on cleaning your hair with out shampoo and I must sounds easy and cheap. But I am a F.R.E.A.K about my hair...including how it smells. So I am going to be very curious to hear how all of this baking soda and vinegar makes your hair smell after a few days of use.

Meagan said...

I'm not sure I could do the no shampoo thing either but I think I'm going to try the whole cleaning your face naturally thing...because my face looks like a 14 year old sometimes too!