Baby News

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Baby News

Well, if you haven't been on FB, or if you haven't talked to my Dad, or if you haven't seen me stuffing my face with anything within arms reach, then this is news to you.  I'm going have a baby!! 
There she is!  Yep she, I told you I am only having girls.  Just kidding.  But my fingers are crossed for another girl.  But a precious boy would be fine too, I just have NO IDEA what to do with boys and their 'parts.'  We have been trying for a few months and it was kinda crazy to me that it didn't happen on the first or second try.  No joke. When we went in to find out we were pregnant with Stella the ultrasound tech said, wow, you are very fertile, I am not sure which ovary it came from.  Oh great! 
So here's how it went down.  I'm not a BC fan.  I think I have been on BC for a total of like 3 months in my whole entire life.  I just know my cycle and I have about a three day span that it usually just happens around.  Well, this month three days past, then four, then five and well, then it settled in that I might have to face my fear of buying a pregnancy test.  Eeeee.  Why I have a pregnancy test buying phobia I have no idea.  But I do.  So I called up my husband and told him to go to the Wal-Mart in Granite City where he works and get me one.  I took a test and a + was there in a blink of an eye.  I thought woah that was fast, I am going to take the other one tomorrow morning.  Because everyone loves first morning pee and having to pee on a stick.  And yep another +.  So I called the doc, they asked me all the questions and yada yada.  Told me about how far along I was considering when my last cycle was and told me since it wasn't my first there was no need for me to come in until I was 6 weeks.  So I went in then, had all my blood work drawn, told them I had been having some cramps, but they took an ultrasound and everything looked good.  I got a call the next day from the doctor and he told me my progesterone levels were low.  The lower the levels, the higher risk of a miscarriage.  And no one wants to ever hear those words.  I freaked, I was a wreck.  He told me that he would put me on an extra pill to take to help increase them.  So far I have just had mild cramps, but we just wanted to wait it out a few weeks and be safe before we told everyone. 
So here I am 8 weeks and 5 days pregnant.  I will be 9 weeks on Friday.  Due August 26th.  Woohoo, it's going to be hot as hell and I'm going to be as big as a freaking house.  I'm sure the most pleasant person you could run into!!  Fun fun.  I promise I will spare you of the weekly belly shots.  Trust me, it ain't cute.  I don't wana look at my belly let alone let the whole world look at my belly.  And I won't tell you when my baby is the size of a squash or piece of fruit.  Promise.  But just fair warning if you put food within arms reach of me, it's fair game.  Nough-said.


Litney said...

I had a feeling this was going to be your surprise! Congratulations!!!!!!!!

Cassie said...

Thank you!!

hahaha, oh trust me I have had about 10 people tell me, I had a feeling!! lol. Of course the old people are like, I could tell by your face or your skin color and all that jazz. It's funny. We were going to tell in my confessions on Friday but some stuff went down so we held out another week.

Melissa Cheek said...

I also had the feeling this was the surprise, yay! That is exciting! Our due dates are three days apart, crazy!

Christine Pettijohn said...

Oh my goodness. I guess I should tell you I am six weeks and due Sept. 4th. I feel for our men. They might be in the yard this summer on a bitch fest. Lol! Congrats neighbor!

Mr. and Mrs. W +1 said...

Congrats!!! How exciting! :)

Cassie said...

Thank you guys!!

Melissa - wow three days, that's crazy!! I love finding out who my kids are all going to grow up with!!

Christine - yay! best of luck to you guys!! And I don't know if you guys were in your house yet but I was out raking leaves like 7 months pregnant with Stella, so I'm sure I will be out in the yard again with Josh.

Christine Pettijohn said...

Thanks! Yep we were there. Ill probably be out there this summer and fall also mowing grass and doing yard work.

Heather said...

Our internet has been down at work so I have been patiently waiting to get on Blogger to see if you posted anything yet! And woohoo...with a picture! Congrats again!! I am looking forward to you blogging about everything that's going on. And your dad...he was practically BEAMING when he was in here this morning.

Katie said...

Congratulations Cass! Im sooo excited for you guys!!! Im glad she is due in August. You will be ready to have a good time and lots of drinks for my wedding!! :)

Also you said you asked your husband to stop at the Wal-Mart in Granite City where he works. Did Josh have a career change??? At first I thought you meant he works there now, but after rereading it Im assuming he works in Granite City and you wanted him to stop at that Wal-Mart. Nothing wrong with Wal-Mart just was unclear.

Cassie said...

bahaha, no no he does NOT work at wal-mart. too funny.

Julia said...

Congrats Josh, Cassie, and Stella!!! That is such exciting news!!! Wish you the best of luck!

Kim said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS! Sooo glad I don't have to keep a secret anymore!!!! :))

ps.. i better get the belly text messages again.bca you know im obsessed with big pregnant bellys. i just think they are the cutest things everrr!!! :))