Happy Wife, Happy Life
Whew, I am back. No glasses today, no goop coming out of my eyes, haven't had a bloody nose in over 24 hours (knock on wood) and I'm not in the mood to bite any one's head off who talks to me. Sorry about "her" yesterday, I don't know where she came from. Oh and did you know that yesterday was considered the "Saddest Day of the Year," hello, that explains everything!! Check out why.
Stella slept GREAT last night, which meant Mommy slept great last night too. Aaannnnddd, she went the whole night without her binky!! Ahhhhh, do you know how awesome it is to say that!?! I was telling her daycare teacher that this morning and she said yeah she hardly takes it here at daycare too. Ummm, can I get an amen?!?! Greatest news ever!!
My Dad came over last night and brought over this old Bert and Ernie step stool that my sisters and I used to have when we were little. I was shocked that it was still around. Then he told me Grandma had it, so that explains everything. Because we all know Grandma's keep EVERYTHING! But Stella LOVED it!! She quickly learned how to crawl all over it and was showing off hard core!
We have officially taught Stella how to cheese. lol.
You say to her, "Stella, smile" and she closes her eyes really tight and smiles so big.
It's so stinkin' cute!
Here she is cheesein' to Grandpa.
Danielle and Lacie, remember this stool?!!?
She sure keeps us entertained!
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