Sign Here

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sign Here

Yesterday Josh picked up Stella from daycare because I had a few errands to run.  Good thing he picked her up, because I'm pretty sure if I did, I probably would have cried.
He walked in the door and the lady at the front desk said, I have a paper for you to sign for Stella.  Josh just assumed it was an accident report (not that our child has accidents all the time, but that's the only papers we have had to sign so far).  Boy was he wrong.  It was a paper saying that it was ok for Stella to be moved to the NEXT ROOM!  No more baby room!!!  : (  Ahhhh, no no no, I am not ready for my baby to be out of the BABY room.  She is still a baby.  That means no more high chair, she will now sit at those tables with chairs built in them, she will eat real food for every meal, and getting close to no more bottles.  Ahhhh!!  Stop growing  baby!!
Of course when he came home to tell me this I had a million questions and of course he asked zero questions so he had no answers for me.  Hello?  How am I supposed to sleep tonight?
So this morning when I came into daycare I thought, is she moving over to the other room today?  Next week?  Next month?  On her birthday?  So I just walked into her normal room like always (secretly hoping they would tell me she's not moving just yet) and asked her teacher, whom by the way knew nothing about Stella transitioning over.  But she assured me that it would be on Monday.  That's just three more days in the baby room.  She was pretty sad too (Stella may just be one of the favorites in that room).  And of course I had to ask if moving to the next room meant cheaper prices, but was quickly shot down with a 'no' - bummer.  I was hoping for at least one positive out of this situation.
Oh well, I know that this change is good for her, it's just super hard for Mommy.  So I am going to enjoy these last few days of her in the "baby" room.  A new year is right around the corner so let's embrace it with a bunch of change!!