It's Official
Toys R Us has thrown up in the living room.
Target and Macy's have thrown up in Stella's closet.
Rural King has thrown up in the garage.
Wine bottles galore have thrown up in the wine cooler (NOT complaining one bit).
Home Depot gift cards have thrown up in my hands (swwweeeett!).
And my daughter now has a F.N.F. (inside joke)
All in all it was an extremely successful Christmas.Stella is still at the point where she could care less about opening the present, or what's inside the box. We have put together about five of her new toys and she still continues to play with her old ones. She will figure it out soon. And I was a bad Mom who didn't take many pictures at all...... oh well. Going to five Christmas in 2 1/2 days with a 10 month old is HARD, tiring, and just wears you out. Hope you all had a very merry christmas and got all you wanted and more!!
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