Pretty Please
Dear Stella,
I love you like no other, but we are going on week 'way to long' of this not sleeping well thing and I'm about at the end of my rope. Ever since the time change, things have changed. I gave it a week, then a half of a week, then once week two passed and now I can't even remember what week we are on, I'm about done. I would love to know if you can drop me a hint on when it's gona stop? I mean we were pretty much getting used to about 6 hours of sleep after the first week, then we got used to you going to sleep at your normal time, but then waking up guaranteed before midnight, and then it usually resulting in one of us falling asleep in the recliner, waking up around 5:01 when the alarm with off with cold toes. But last night sucked. Of course, it's back to work after being off for five days, so getting up was going to be hard regardless. But basically sleeping with one eye open since about 2:30 made it even harder. You went to bed at 8:00, which is cool. Woke up at 9:00 fussing a bit, gave you your bink, back out. Whew. About 10:30 you woke up again, changed your diaper, cuddled a bit, back to bed you went. But at 2:30 this morning when you woke up and Dad gave you a bottle and rocked you in the chair, and you were completely out, like mouth open, binky spitout, out, and he laid you down in your crib only for you to wake right back up again, then stare at both of us like you were ready to party, not cool. So Dad sat back down in the chair with you again only for you to not rest a peeper, he thought bringing you to bed with us would work. Grrreeaaat idea Daddy. But where do you want to lay when you are in bed with us? Yep, right on Mommy's chest. About 30 minutes later when you finally fell asleep and I could slowly roll you off my chest and at least sleep a little bit normal it left Daddy on his side (of course zonked out), me in the middle, Abbie sprawled out like a freaking Golden Retriever between my legs, and you on the edge. Of course there was no way I was going to be able to fall completely asleep with you NOT in the middle. And of course up bright and early at 5:45 this morning.
Like I said, I love you like cRaZy but please baby please just ONE full nights sleep. Puhhhllleeeaassee!
Love, Mommy
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