Long Time No Post

Monday, November 29, 2010

Long Time No Post

Wow, sorry for the lack of posting.  It gets a little crazy around the holiday time.  Our Thanksgiving was good.  Stella ate like a mad woman.  Straight up table food.  No joke, she is pretty much 60% table food, 30% bottle, and 10% baby food.  Which is awe.some.  No joke.  It's so much easier when she can just eat whatever you are eating for dinner AND feed herself.  Now, what to do with the 20 some jars of baby food we have left.  Oh and she totally knows the difference in silverware too.  Her baby spoons are more musical instruments now a days than they are anything else.  But give that girl a real metal spoon and this food stuff is SERIOUS business.  I tried to trick her and feed her baby food from a jar (that a dumped into a bowl) with a real spoon, she totally played along with it for about 8 or so bites and then was like, wait a minute.  Rats, she caught on.  So down the drain that baby food went.  Anybody know anyone who could use some Stage 3 baby food?!?!
Unfortunately the only bad thing about Stella eating real food is this:
Oh yes, I see your evil sneaky grin little girl.  I know you are about to let Abbie eat straight out of your hand once I turn my back.  I can totally read Abbie's mind she is saying "wait for it, don't do it until she turns around."  lol.
Friday Josh went out hunting, so since Stella was up at the crack of frickin' dawn, we decided that we were going to take down the fall decoration and put up the Christmas tree.  Well, not sure if you have ever tried putting up your Christmas tree with just you and a 9 month old, who is totally going through the clingy stage, but it's a LONG drawn out process.  No joke.  We brought the box upstairs around 7:30.  Sometime around 10:00 (a.m. that is) the "tree" was put up.  Not fully fluffed, not a bit decorate, but it did have lights (only because it's pre-lit).  When Daddy finally came home from hunting I got a chance to take the tree box back downstairs and get the ornaments.  Again, I don't think those babies all made it to the tree until around 3:00.  It's definitely an interesting looking fellow this year, but it's up and that's all that matters.  We have decided that we are going to put a tree in Stella's room too.  It's SUPER cute, well the ornaments we bought for it are, and I can't wait until next weekend to put it up!!  I mean, when Aunt Lacie comes over and puts it up.  This was ALL her idea.
Sunday was another lazy day for us.  But it was officially bow day!  Ahhh, I have waited for this day for so long. FINALLY hair long enough and thick enough for a cute little bow clip to stay in her hair.
"Hey that's enough, ONE picture."
Stella and I ventured to Target with Aunt Lacie for a few gifts and then went over to their house to watch them put up their tree  Pretty relaxing day. 
Hope you all had a nice break and that the third cup of coffee you are on has you almost completely woken up and ready to start doing some actual work.