Weekend Wrap Up

this weekend kicked off football season for us and we are loving it! and with football season brings all the fall things. including my first PSL of the season. i went out on a limb and got the cold...
9:04 AM Cassie
this weekend kicked off football season for us and we are loving it! and with football season brings all the fall things. including my first PSL of the season. i went out on a limb and got the cold...
9:23 AM Cassie
now that i am back in the car more (thanks for my lovely hour plus drive to work every day) i am getting to get back in the groove of music again. man i just love music. and this one really knocks it out of the park. enjoy! ...
5:48 PM Cassie
crazy to think wesley is already over two months old. i better recap this while it's still fresh in my mind. but let's be honest do we ever forget childbirth. besides it being so amazing and mind...
10:00 AM Cassie
we did it! the love of my life and i created a perfect little human. he is so good! so, so good. he's the best little baby and seriously, we are complete. stella is the most AMAZING big sister. henry...
7:00 AM Cassie
it took me a longggggg time to become a bobby bones fan. i mean sometimes he still gets on my nerves. but it took me no time to become a lindsay ell fan. i think her music is awesome! i am glad he has started playing her music more too. enjoy!! ...
10:48 AM Cassie
i feel like this weekend was long. i mean it was just a normal weekend. but it was slow, well, for us. and relaxing. which we all needed. friday night henry had a small mini camp with the high...