
Tuesday, June 18, 2013


happy tuesday!
let's get to it:
currently i am....

feeling - happy.  yep, i said it.  this girl is happy.
all house stress aside.  life stress aside.
we have it pretty good, i can't complain!

watching - cailou, cailou and more cailou.  ahhhhh.
but i am REALLY hoping to catch Nelly and FGL on The Voice tonight!  yay!

loving - that mcdonalds has their buy one get one free coupons on their $1 drinks right now.
thank you mcdonalds!

eating - just finished up some seamus mcdaniels.
buffalo chicken strips with crinkle fries and homemade ranch.
oh mah gawd.

drinking - water, water and more water!

wanting - to go swimming!!
my head says, cassie you NEED to paint tonight.
but my heart says, oh let's go swimming.
but my stomach says, about that buffalo chicken strip basket you just dominated..... whoops!

reading - young house love, duh!  they just bought a new house and i'm obsessed!

listening to - ha, today i pulled up My Best Friend's Wedding soundtrack on my Spotify.
never gets old, never!
i'm thinking Hope Floats soundtrack next?!  yes!

wearing - Small Town Style EVERYTHING!
oh and did i mention there will be a STS giveaway on my blog this week?
yep - you're chance to win a $20 shop credit.  HOLLA!!

looking forward to - hosting my sister's bridal shower at my house.
which means we officially have a deadline.  house projects need to be complete by september.  eek!
which really means the last week of august i'm going to dominate these projects.  ha.
who's up for some yard work?!


Amanda aka Manda said...

So glad you're happy! Swimming sounds good too! I vote swimming! I love those soundtracks too! Hope you have a great week!

The Pink Growl said...

I'm so happy that you are so happy! PS - now I want buffalo chicken tenders!

Anonymous said...

Nelly didn't show up to the Luke concert Friday night. What a waste!! Can't show up to your hometown, but get the chance to sing on live national television and he is THERE! What a sell out. Yes, I have some hate for Nelly right now. hahah

I vote swimming! I will probably be by the pool after work also. Paint when it rains!

Jackie said...

If you need help with yard work..let me know...Eli is a freak about our yard and other me we drive around and look! HA! Seriously I am sure he would be happy to help!