Friday Letters

Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday Letters

hey guys!  happy friday!
sorry i haven't been posting until the afternoons this week.
work comes first.  i know i know, damn this adult stuff.
anyways - on to friday letters.....
dear mother nature, girlfriend i like it!  thank you!!  keep it up for monday too, ok?  good.
dear smithton ice cream place, nooooooo!!  this can't be happening.  summer will never be the same....  ps - did anyone ever really know the real name of this place?  because i didn't.
dear celebration lunch yesterday, yep RIGHT after i posted how i was eating "better" i get this.  i know, i know, i knowwwww....!!  but oh mah gawd it was so so good.
dear stella, thank you for making last night funny PJ night.  why you thought your outfit and henry's shoes were so funny is beside me.  but it made me laugh too.  especially when you asked to get your picture taken.  too cute and too funny.
speaking of miss stella.  look at her face when she looks at landon.  ignore the kissing picture.  shake my head little girl.  lol.  she still just adores him.  i love it!  ahhhhh - young love.
dear ItWorks mask, you may have scared the heck outa my kids last night; henry cried and wanted nothing to do with me while it was on and stella kept saying i looked like a scary monster.  lol.  i still LOVE you.  my face felt SO soft and refreshed afterwards.  yay!
and i promise that's NOT a construction orange sweatshirt.  ha.  it's pink.  promise.
dear matt, thank you for being such an awesome husband and planning a girls night for your wife tomorrow.  we are going to have ourselves so much fun!!  wish you could join us kristen!!
dear tunnels at the park, how can i get one of these in my house?  S&H don't want to get out of them!

well - that's enough.  back to work!  have a great weekend.  enjoy the pretty weather!!


The Pink Growl said...

my friend you are GORGEOUS! Why do you look so pretty in that picture with the mask...i mean the after one! haha :)

Sarah said...

Man that mask is SEXXXAY! :)

YES mother nature & i are on fab terms!! This weekend is gonna be gorgeous! :)

Oh MY GAH how effing cute is stella & that look! I love it!! You are gonna have to watch that one!!!

happy friday gorgeous friend!!

Unknown said...

Dairy bar is really closing?????? What?!?!

Ashley said...

Your kids are too adorable!!! My oh my!

elle rae-marie said...

awwww cute kids!!!!! :)
and yea love the mask!!!

new follower!!!
