30 Miles in 30 Days

Thursday, April 18, 2013

30 Miles in 30 Days

welp, guess why it's raining?!
yep - i got my car washed yesterday.  of freaking course!  of course.
like no joke, i was totally going to brag about how it pays to be a girl and i got a $20 car wash for $3 yesterday because well we kinda have a hook up here at work and the guy just gave me a coupon.  anyways, a $20 car wash, so like inside, outside, wheels, everything.
and then bam - flash flood warning today.
touche big man, touche.
so today we are here to talk about the 30 miles in 30 days challenge with my girl nikki.
and how i have been sucking it up at this.
when we last left off i was at 11.5 miles in 11 days.
not too shabby, but nothing to brag about.
so last thursday me and S&H busted out our 3 miles walk around town.  boom.
then friday i got the urge to spend money like i had it and shopped all night, aka no miles.
saturday after i slept in WAY to long my mom and i busted out another 3 miles.
sunday i worked at ck which should count for a ton of miles.  but doesn't.  the lukes came in town and we got quite the work out in.  i'm going to chalk up one mile for that day when really it felt like ten.  basically running from my mom's house to lincoln park and back.  pushing a double stroller.  i'm still sore.
monday, nothing.  tuesday, nothing.  last night, nothing.  wow cassie - get up and do something.
so here we are 18 days in and, drum roll please, 18.5 miles logged.
i can do this, i can do this.
did i tell you i signed up for a mud run the first weekend in may?  yeah i'm probably going to get stuck in the first mud pit with the way i'm going logging these miles.  of course it's a work event so i'll look like an even bigger fool dying in front of my co-workers.  good thing there's a wine event afterwards!  everyone will get tipsy and forgot about the fools we just made of ourselves.  yay!
and i have to announce that i lost my ItWorks virginity this week.  yep, i wrapped for the first time.
don't get me wrong i will be the first to admit that i was a non believer.  i thought, yeah, freaking right.
BUT i have to say, i, cassie walter, was fooled.  they do work!
and there's the toe thumb never failing to make an appearance in every.single.picture.  SMH.
oh and i also discovered almond butter.  aka heaven.  in a extra large size ketchup packet.
my gawd it's good!
if you haven't tried almond butter i suggest you do.  i got this cute little packet at target (of course) for like 99 cents i believe.  maybe 59?  i believe 99 though....
i tried to eat it with carrots, but i just think i have an issue with carrots.  so i resorted to my apple.  so good.
and then i came home that day to find this waiting for us.
and that almond butter didn't matter no mo.  ha.  jk jk.  i am happy to report i haven't ate ANY of this.
but lawd does someone know the way to our hearts!
and how to make this little girl extremely happy!!


Tamara said...

Girlll... I washed my car on Sunday and it rained from Monday - Wednesday! Keep up the awesome work - you're lookin' good!

Anonymous said...

congrats on your 18.5 miles! that's awesome! :)

sblind2 said...

Where's the Mud Run at? We're doing one the first weekend in June!!

Anonymous said...

hahah watch the news! They've been saying all week today was going to rain literally all day today.

I'm also a non believer of the ItWorks but you look good!

Love to see those vitamins hahah
p.s. I have yet to try the ones you gave me. I need to work up the courage to try them.

Amanda aka Manda said...

You're doing great. You're right on track! I'm kinda jealous you signed up for the mud run. I totally want to do one of those!

Kim Luke said...

so jealous of your 18.5 miles. i think I've done like 5 total this month! wah!!

So glad you're finally a believer in ItWorks! Would I ever lie to you?!?!?!?! NEVER!!
With your personal results you'll be able to sell the crap out of them! (hint hint) :D

elle rae-marie said...

is that juste ONE wrap? I was thinking of trying it out but I am a little confused. Please tell me more and so I don't feel stupid when all this weird stuff comes in the mail!

Erin @ Happily Obsessed said...

Bahhahahaa....I find it funny that you JUST NOW did your first wrap!! Kim was slackin!!!!

Unknown said...

Be proud of those 18.5 miles! You're doing awesome!

Unknown said...

Cassie... I have to say WOW!!! I am a non believer on the wraps as well. I promised Kim that she could wrap me when she gets back from vaca so stay tuned... I'll let you know if I am converted. BTW, you look AHHHHmazing girlfriend.

I got in 15 miles last week. 9 this week plus 12 miles on the bike. WHOOP!!! I'm on a roll. Hope I can keep it up and get back to my 25 miles a week (fingers crossed). Keep up the good work and you'll rock it :-)

Almond butter.... YUM YUM YUM

sblind2 said...

I got a little packet of Almond Butter (for .99 at Target) can't wait to try it .... lol