Weekend Wrap Up

Monday, March 4, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up

hey girl hey!!  nothing wild and crazy happened this weekend.  here's a short and sweet wrap up.
friday, danielle and lacie picked up S&H when lacie got in town.
they were two HAPPY babies.
and i was pretty proud of myself too.  not many people have driven my kids without me.
i know - crazy mom, right here.  no shame.  like no joke i think i can count on ONE hand the number of people who have driven my kids besides me.  SMH.....
anyways - they had a GREAT afternoon having lunch together, seeing GGma, and playing.
i think this picture proves it - ZONKED out.
friday night we met up with my dad and pam for fish in rocher and called it a night.
saturday we all got up and had breakfast together and hung out while lacie got ready for a bridal shower.
we enjoyed a little target trip that afternoon where i only spent $8 (on dog food and apple juice).  props to my no spending march.  i was VERY proud of myself.  we did a TON of 'i want that for my house' shopping, but didn't purchase a thing.  YET.  watch out april and may.  ha!
the rest of the night we hung out at home and then later that night everyone started getting sick.  i was cleaning out puke buckets left and right.  PTL it was just a little bug for S&H.  but aunt danielle had it ALL day yesterday too.
sunday morning S&H and i headed out of the house for a bit so danielle and lacie could sleep.
once we got back home we got ready for a bridal shower for my cousin.  henry was the only boy there.  but he turned on the charm as usual and ate it up.
i mean - what a ham.  too cute heni.
once we got home we said our goodbyes to lacie and phil and spent a good majority of the evening napping - fine by me!!
hopefully when lacie and phil are back late next month everyone is feeling good and we can get our party on at kelsey and todd's wedding!


Kim Luke said...

yes, I remember that 1 time I was watching Stella when she was baby and I sent you a picture of her in Landon's car seat because I was taking her to pick up Applebees with me and you FREAKED OUT ON ME. lol
How was I supposed to know you were terrified to let your kids ride with someone else. lol

i LOVE that picture of Heni!! <3 <3

Anonymous said...

Ahhh you're kids are toooooo cute!

Glad everyone is feeling better. :)

The Pink Growl said...

Heni is such a lil cutie pie!

Katie said...

How cute is Henry?! I can tell he's a charmer :)

Unknown said...

What a cutie Henry is :) Chad and Kelsie will be at that wedding too! :)

Sarah said...

Looks like you had a pretty good weekend! :) Puke Buckets are NO FUN! I hope all is well in your little household!! AND UHHH what a ham :)

Happy Monday Pretty!!!