SPD - Tents!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

SPD - Tents!

let's get real here for a hot minute.  i'm not crafty.  probably because i have NO patience.
and crafts require patience.  therefore, we don't get along.
and i wonder where my children get it from....
anyways.... i will and can pin the shit out of stuff all day but all i do is dream about it.
nothing else.
unless i get a wild hair up my booty and decide to TRY to be crafty.
i saw this pin and fell in love.  how fun does this look?
ok well besides the pin i love sydney and her adorable little baby boy.
then i saw the same tent idea over here and thought - ok this can't be that hard.
AND i really really really want to get this huge as cardboard box outa my house so i thought maybe if i switch it out with a super fun tent - S&H wouldn't mind.  fingers crossed!!
anyways - so a few, can you do me a few favors and about thirty bones later.....
tada!  two tents!
S&H were at dad's last night so they haven't seen them yet.  i'm excited to show them tonight!!
now i just need the faux sheepskin from IKEA, only $10 a pop.....
come on no spend march, let's get over already!!


Laura said...

Great job Cassie! I knew you had a little in ya!!

Anonymous said...

So cute!

Nicole said...

I'm sure they will love them! They look like something you would by from the store. Not homemade. Great job! I'm stopping by from SPD linkup.

Adventures of a Semper Fi Family

Esme said...

Those are cute! I'm sure your kiddos are going to love those!

Adrien said...

Gaaaah!!! I love it, and I especially LOVE that you made them yourself! I was thinking about making a "tee pee" but it seemed way too hard. Glad to know this is a doable project. Great job!!

Sarah said...

uhhh awesome mom award??
they are gonna love it!!