Random Wednesday

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Random Wednesday

would you all believe it if i said i got up today when my alarm clock went off (550), did my march madness challenge, showered, got ready, got S&H ready AND made it to work ON TIME.
y'all i don't even believe it myself.
and you know what - i feel great!  i need to make this morning workout thing happen more often.
so let's catch up on a few things.
the march madness challenge - first off i feel this is really only working my arms.  and not to brag but my sisters say i have michelle obama arms already.  i call them S&H arms.  26 pounds on one side, 32 on the other.  they came with the babies, promise.  but regardless i am still liking it.  maybe adding the planks will help.  and yes my 18 month old is 26 pounds.  again, the arms came with the babies.
i didn't make that chicken recipe last night.  hopefully tonight.  STILL trying to be conscious of my spending and cook stuff we already have at home. 
speaking of my spending we are half way through day 6 and i've only spent $30 so far this month.  i think that's AWESOME!  $30 for three people.  that was the $8 at target, $12 at CK and $10 at IGA.
i'm not going to lie i'm pretty proud of myself!!
(pants self on back)
so catch up with S&H.
we have been painting away.  we busted out six pictures last night.  henry on the other hand just busted out his gut.  my word.  i swear it's NOT that big.  but from picture to picture it gets bigger and bigger.  lol.
we have also added a few new things to our nightly teeth brushing routine.
spitting.  you know - that's extremely important.
spitting and then playing in said spit water.  mother of the year.  at least she wiped her face?!
henry has at least moved on to using his own toothbrush.  again, mother of the year.  it's the little things though.  you have no idea what it's like to go searching for your toothbrush at 615 in the morning, only to find it kinda crusty and a hair in it.  i know, gag.  sorry.  shoulda warned you.....
i can't wait to see what the dentist has to say next week.....
besides that we are just hanging out playing doctor (Danielle made Stella feel super cool when she told her that Stella being her doctor helped her get better), jamming out to Pontoon and All The Single Ladies, talking about Aaron and David and how they have sold their brother, bought a new one, etc., oh yeah and the new brother's name is Loosen?, yeah i don't get it either, here, watch....

Happy Wednesday!


The Pink Growl said...

Girl let me come babysit those little suckers! that's like lifting some mega weights, no wonder your arms are so toned! :) Proud of you for getting up early and getting shit done - LIKE A BOSS! XOXO

Anonymous said...

hahah Stella has quite the imagination...love it! And is she wiping a baby's butt the entire video? hahah no one likes a dirty butt!

Erin @ Happily Obsessed said...

Ahh...could they be any cuter?!

I have FAILED on no spend March!! Let's not talk about the $150 I spent on boots for the Miranda concert!! There is always April! :)

Anonymous said...

Good job on the spending! I spent $34 yesterday alone...but that was on an oil change...which is a necessity!

Neri said...

I've totally failed this first week of March. I've gotten 2 new pair of shoes (sneakers & toms), spent $78. at Forever21, and my frickin' back is all sorts of a mess = no working out. Total fail. I'm glad you're still doing the challenge though! Burpees are of the devil.