Friday Something...

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday Something...

it's friday something today.  letters, confessions, hot messes, not really sure.
so let's back up a few days.
wednesday left early because S&H had fevers.  wednesday night was sleepless.
thursday morning we got into the doctor and found out they both had ear infections.  yesterday stella slept a good majority of the day.  henry - lol - i think his meds had a reverse reaction.  homeboy was wired!!  lol.
his new favorite thing to do when he's wired; chase the dog with the swiffer.  boy just laughs and laughs.  poor abbie.  lol.  seriously he was awake yesterday from about 6 a.m. to about 5:15 p.m.  no joke.
last night was a little more sleep, but not much.  at least everyone was fever free.
so off to connie's they went this morning.  hopefully only for a few hours.  i've texted probably too many times already to check on them and so far so good.  PTL.
so i have officially decided what i'm giving up for lent.
sleep and wearing clean clothes - ha - it's perfect for this week.
yep - that's snot all down my sleeve.  no shame.  none.  i'm working with a new PM this morning and i'm sure he thought, this girl is nasty.  WTF is that on her sleeve.  ha.  whoopsie.
however i do know what i am starting for lent.  drinking more of this again.
i feel like we have been separated for too too long SGM.  last night - you hit the spot.
and our valentine's day recap:
heart shaped pancakes.  yep, believe it or not sometimes we actually eat breakfast at home and NOT at CK.  one sick sick baby girl :(  us at the doctor's office and i think the ground must have been lava or something.  no one wanted to sit any where but right on top of momma.  but hey i wasn't complaining.  and my valentine's day gift!!  can't go wrong with a watch for this girl.  i have a small obsession with them (this would be my fourth one).  the watch is from wristology and a few weeks back katie at KCCO had a promo code for 20% off.  thank you ms. katie!!  and the bracelet is from the cute little brie at sophistifunk.  love it!  go get you some arm candy!
S&H finally started feeling better once they woke up from their naps last night around 7:00.  my dad came over and brought the kids a valentine's day present.  stella opened the card and immediately goes, 'ahhh man, no money in it!"  bahahahaha.  girlfriend is learning quick.  my dad was like oh yes, yes, of course and whips out his wallet and gives both her and henry a dollar.  too funny.  right then and there i knew sister was feeling better.  PTL.
hope everyone had a great valentine's day.  my kids were blessed with so many goodies, so thank you to everyone!!  have a great weekend!


keepingupwithkristen said...

Stella's face in that picture...pitiful! Poor things. I'm glad they're feeling better!

If anyone can rock a snot sleeze, it's you. I'm sure the guy didn't even notice. And I'm loving that your gonna start indulging in more SGM...can you believe that I've never tried that stuff?! I just drink Fat Girl Margarita's...I need to get with the program!

Hope you have a great weekend! Love ya!

The Pink Growl said...

Love your watch and bracelet! I hope the kiddos are feeling better! LOVE YOU!