Weekend Wrap Up

Monday, August 6, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

let's start off this wrap up mommy style.
my weekend was just perfect!
S&H were awesome and honestly they are just growing up SO fast.
all weekend long i think i fed henry one jar of baby food.
he honestly would rather feed himself.  i mean - go for it dude, but wahhhh.
and stella, ahhhhhh STELLA peed on the potty SO MUCH this weekend.
i wouldn't say we are potty trained BUT we are about 75% there.
i am OVER THE MOON excited for this big girl!!
ok, whew got that out - but seriously one happy momma right here!!
on to the weekend and linking up with these girls:
friday night was very chill.
laundry, playing outside, sno cones, toy story movies and early to bed.
saturday everyone slept in until 8:00.
again - amen!!  ha.
we got up, had breakfast and then headed to my work company picnic.
the kids had a blast.
stella had a special request for a purple balloon elephant.
yes, she's holding it upside down.
AND sometimes it had split personalities.  it also worked as a horsie according to stella too.
yeah, i had that kid riding a purple elephant like a horsie.  ha, good thing she's cute.
henry, well, henry found a friend in logan.
oh you like cars and snack time too - dude, this is great!!
clearly we were interrupting some serious bonding time here.  lol.
everything was going great, until Fredbird showed up.
not going to lie i was really looking forward to us getting our picture taken with him.
but homegirl wrapped herself as tight as she could around my leg and wanted nothing but for him to go away!
after that it was time for us to go.
we headed home, chilled for the rest of the night and everyone was zonked out by 9:00.
ps - can you tell these two are related?
they sleep exactly the same!
too cute!
sunday we were up and ready to take on our day.
breakfast at ck, church, target, and some ice cream in smithton.
target was going to be extra special for stella because she was getting to pick out some new undies.
hello kitty ones to be exact (thank you Ali)
but seriously homegirl deserved these babies!!
ok ok, nana maybe spoiled her too with a new basketball (mommy's crazy excited!!) and a new hat!
honestly stella everyone is SO proud of you!!
once we got home we played and then crashed for a good hour and a half nap.
you can guarantee i joined in on this nap time thing for sure!
once we were re-energized we headed out for a walk and to the park!
it seriously was amazing outside and we were loving us some park time.
ha - there's that dang flag shirt again.  SMH.
it was late baths and late bedtime, but worth it for the awesome weekend we had.
thank you S&H for being amazing - my heart is full!
<3 p="p">

and last but not least.....
 a VERY happy birthday to one hot momma and my amazing friend, Kristen!!
have a great day at home in your jammies with your cute lil baby boys.
AND another hickey girl is having her baby today!  ahhhh - tears!
best of luck kathy - i can't wait to hold Austin and love on him.  SO EXCITED!!
happy monday!!


Adrien said...

Aw, two well-behaved babies. :) What I wouldn't give for that! Haha.

Anonymous said...

YAY Stella!!!! Good job on going potty in the potty!

You have 2 very happy babies! They seem to always be smiling for the camera. Too cute.

Happy Birthday, Kristen & Austin!! :)

Sami said...

Oh man your little babes get cuter by the minute! Sounds like you guys had a great weekend and congrats to Stella! She's such a big girl :) Thanks for linking up doll!

Kim Luke said...

So proud of you Stella Ann!

Steak for henry's birthday it is! I knew it! :)

DSR said...

Ugh, love those sleeping baby photos. So cute that it's the same pose.

Thanks for linking up girl!