Weekend Wrap Up

Monday, April 30, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

every single monday morning when i sit down to write this i start singing jimmy buffet's 'come monday'
either i need a life - or my life needs to get a little more exciting
however today we have big stuff.
a happy 8 months to henry!!
yes i said eight.
i know i even checked the calendar myself.
homeboy acts like he's 10 months.
with going on 7 teeth and a crawling fool i just can't believe it.
so here's to many more baby boy.
thank you for being so amazing and so easy and mostly so happy.
i'm very proud to be your mommy <3
on to the weekend......
friday night we didn't do much.
picked out henry's outfits for his eight month photo session on saturday.
homeboy has got it going on......
i also introduced stella to her first ice cream push pop.
of course, orange flavored.
homegirl loves ice cream as it is, but this was pure amazement to her.
saturday we were busy bees.
we had to go to the bank for a few things.
my sister works at this bank so of course all the ladies know my kids.
stella gets to go behind the counter and pick out candy and the ladies just eat her up.
so one of the ladies says to stella, 'oh i love your shoes.'
stella looks up at the lady and says, 'they're TOMS.'
my jaw dropped.  ayi yi yi.
stella, just a simple thank you would have been fine.
oh boy.
once we were done there we went to my mom's house for lunch.
my mom told stella, 'you look so cute today.'
stella replies with, 'yeah.'
ha - nothing wrong with confidence right?!  lol.
that afternoon stella hung out with her bff ali and henry and mommy went for pictures.
henry was strict business the whole time.
didn't crack a smile.  didn't really cry - but was in no mood for a photo opt.
the rest of the evening we hung out at home and watched 429898 episodes of barney.
sunday we were all up bright and early.
stella worked on being a tattoo artist.
or as she would say 'mommy has george on her arm.'
curious george that is.
and then all that tattooing wore her out so she napped.
believe it or not there's a baby doll under there.....
later that day we ran errands and stopped at bk for lunch and to play
clearly henry was thrilled to be there - ha
stella wouldn't take her eyes off the slide
once she got in there she kept saying over and over 'watch me henry, watch me!'
of course before we left i wiped everyone down with baby wipes because let's face it -
those things are just nasty.
the rest of the day was spent playing and watching more barney.
hope everyone had a great weekend!!


Ashley Mitchell said...

your babies are soo cute
If you were at the Waterloo Bk, Zack puked in the top of the slide once, BAD day for mommy, BAD day!

Heather said...

Stella looks so grown up in that first BK picture!!

Anonymous said...

Happy 8 months Henry!!

Love that Stella told Lacis's co-worker that her shoes were TOMS. hahahah

Henry looks so big sitting at BK. :)

Adrien said...

Hehe, life gets so much more interesting once your kids start talking for themselves! :) I always worry about what Evie is going to say in the church nursery when I'm not around, haha.

Unknown said...

Those outfits for Henry....so flippen adorable!!!!