Weekend Wrap Up

Monday, April 2, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

holy weekend, let's be glad the kids and i left town.
it's been cray!
the mysterious lotto winner lives in my town.
how exciting is that?!?!
even the today show was at CK this morning.
holla!!  can i now say i work at some place famous?  ha, kidding.
anyways, back to the weekend.
it was full of blowouts oh and a new car!
friday night we passed up fish with my mom because henry would NOT stop going #2.
and then, he would blow chunks and then be totally chill.
should i post a picture of all his puke?
how crazy is that!
i have no idea what is going on with the poor kid.
but he literally got all that out in like a minutes time and then acted like nothing happen.
just went back to playing and laughing at his sister.
speaking of his sister, this is how she passed out friday night.
bahahahahaha - crazy kid.
not to mention the fleece snowman pjs and it's 80 degrees outside.
saturday morning we were up early and had breakfast with dad, josh and lacie and then headed to springfield to see danielle.
of course henry blewout his diaper and it was everywhere.  of course.
but that seemed to be the least of my worries driving there......
my biggest fear ever is getting a flat tire on the interstate, especially two hours away with my babies in the car.  so when the low tire pressure light came on and i was still 30 minutes outside of springfield i freaked.  ptl for an amazing sister who headed my way and PTL we made it safely there without any issues.  besides a sore booty from clinching my cheeks the whole way.  ayi yi yi.
so of course i do what any steibel would do when they have tire issues.
buy a new car.
ha, thanks gma and gpa for instilling this in our heads.  lol.
momma is the proud new owner of a brand spankin' new:
Hyundai Sonata
only 37 miles on this beaut.
and i'm already getting almost 31 miles to the gallon.
oh and the trunk, no joke i think a grown person could sleep in there, it's huge.  so it will fit a double stroller perfectly, again, happy momma!
i have to send again a big huge thank you thank you thank you to my sister and her bf for keeping my kids company at the car dealership for a good three hours.  hands down they won't be having kids for a good 10 more years.  ha, kidding, but i honestly have the best sister and the best non uncle tate EVER!  they were SO helpful.
needless to say that night we came back to their place, ate, took baths and crashed.
we were up and heading out early in the morning.
henry christened the new car not even 10 exists out of springfield.
of course he did.  ayi yi yi.
i'm pretty sure stella probably said, 'henry pooooooooped' a good 85 times this weekend.
and unfortunately we left henry's bug there.  i got a text from my sister saying her and the bf were SICK.
wow - nothing makes you feel worse than knowing your kid got a whole house sick :(
sorry - the care package is on the way, promise!!
once we got home we played outside.
henry is a huge fan of the swing, he was just loving life.
all in all it was a GREAT weekend.
can't wait to see who the big lotto winner is!!


Heather said...

Wow...the puke picture should come with a warning. Totally turned my stomach inside out! Love the new car!! Road trip!

Ashley Mitchell said...

Oh gotta love the puke picture. You just have to laugh, crying only makes it worse. lol.

My kids are still wearing winter jammies too, we keep it cold in our house though.

Kim Luke said...

Holy puke! Poor Heni!!
Loving the new car. agree with Heather. Definitely a road trip!
Loving Heni's baby blues! xo

not gonna lie.. When I heard the winner was from rb, I said a prayer that it was you and you'd make me a millionaire too. damn the luck!

Adrien said...

Poor Henry - hope he's feeling better today. Can't believe you posted the puke picture, baha!

Glad you had a great weekend. :)

Cassie said...

ha i thought the puke picture was appropriate, your welcome. lol.

ha no RT-ing yet. give her a few more miles. i freaked with a little juice spill. lol.

Unknown said...

New car!!!!!!! YAY! So happy for you!!!!!! I can not wait to see it in person ( and sniff real hard! Lol, I love that new car smell!)

Kim Luke said...

thats fine, we need to break in my new car still anyways ;)

Anonymous said...

I saw a video on Yahoo earlier that they were making shirts that said Yes, I live in Red Bud. No, I am not the mega million winner. hahah

FYI I slept in my I heart Red Bud, IL tshirt the night before they announced the winner.

OMG that puke picture truthfully made me gag a bit. I just finished my lunch thanks!! hahah

Were you planning on getting a new car this weekend??!? I remember you talking about getting something new. 100 thousand mile warranty?! Looks nice!! Can't wait to see it :)

Hope Henry, Danielle & Tate are all feeling better!

Meagan said...

Henry kinda looks like Stella in that picture...kinda!

Cassie said...

henry is totally changing. i do think they are starting to look more alike. and more people are starting to say that, yay!!

katie - i think it's hilarious that you slept in your red bud shirt. true fan, true fan. lol.

kacie - come smell away.

kim - yes we do!

Beth said...

The puke picture had me in tears - crackin' up! I'm so glad that you have hardwood floors :)

Cassie said...

Whoa! That was a lot of puke! :) And yay for a new car! I love that feeling!!

sblind2 said...

I like the new ride!! This weekend our neighbors (kind of) the owners of Imo's is selling their 300.....Oh man oh man-I WANT IT!!! Matt's like go for it. I would but then we wouldn't be able to go anywhere as a whole family (including the pups of course)

That is a lot of vomit....