Three Things Thursday

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Three Things Thursday

well, hellooooooo thursday!
bring me a marg and i'll be set.
no joke i could go for a patio, some SGM, and an endless supply of chips and bean dip.

on to three things thursday with this gal

Three Things I Am Obsessing Over:
*the baby v-neck salmon colored shirt i bought for henry for his pictures this weekend.
yes i said baby v-neck, and salmon.  it's ah-dorable.
thank you baby gap.
*the love my kids have for each other
stella loves to hold his hand.  and hen never pulls away <3
*how much stella wants to be like mommy.
nothing melts your heart more than to hear them say,
"like momy" and have the biggest smile on their face.
must be doing something right :)

Three Things I Am Over:
*stella's B.
ugh - such a love/hate relationship.
*this weather.
*not getting what i want.

Three Things You Don't Know About Me:
*i've never broken a bone (knock on wood!!)
*i'm obsessed with picking scabs (horribly gross, I know).
*i have two tattoos.

Three Things I Have Gotten in Trouble with the Law For:
eeeek, I'm going to have to say I've been very lucky with this.
let's just say it pays to know the right people.......
*i have gotten ONE speeding ticket though.
of course in damn.freaking.missouri.  blah!
*a handful of seatbelt tickets though (i'd say 3, maybe 4......)
i'll blame my car for not having one of those beeping things reminding me to put it on?!
let's note this hasn't happened in YEARS.  PTL.
*sorry folks, only two things.  again, PTL.

that's it for today!!
it's crazy nice outside and i'm super jelly.
good thing i have some cute flowers to look at!
compliments of work - yay!


tiff@thecoffeehouse said...

oh how i could use a marg about now. and no doubt henry will be a little stud in his little gap number.

Heather said...

I've never had a broken bone either. Maybe a broken toe here and there, but I've never worn a cast. Or had stitches...until my dentist appointment last Thursday. Now I'm in the Two Stitch club.

Anonymous said...

IS henry getting CB pictures this weekend?!

I like the flowers. :)

Meagan said...

I'm part of the no broken bones club too...not even a sprained ankle!

That picture of Stella & Henry melts my heart, so sweet!

Kim Luke said...

you forgot to add one to the trouble with the law