Friday Letters

Friday, April 6, 2012

Friday Letters

dear everyone who is off today,
lucky brats.
dear new car,
35 mpg -!
dear busch light,
my belly does NOT like you :(
dear redheaded girl at the baby sitters,
you make me laugh every day because i never know what will come out of your mouth.
(or what mood you are in due to your hair color).
like this morning when stella walked in and you said, "stella, you are my friend."
melt my little heart.
dear face,
i'm not 15 so please stop with the break outs.
dear closet,
will you just make a cute easter outfit appear for me?
dear henry,
could you be any cuter?!?
dear stella,
thank you for making me laugh
dear VS secret rewards card,
really only $10? is $50 too much to ask?!?!
dear lottery winner,
just come out already, the suspense is killing me!

have a good easter weekend everyone!!


Ashley Mitchell said...

dear weather,
make up your damn mind

dear mason,
please stop waking up at 4:30

dear mcgriddles,
thank you for being you, you make my baby happy :)

and i'm with you on the lotto winner, it's killing me! I wanna know!

Adrien said...

Haha, love this. Hope you all have a Happy Easter! :D

Cassie said...

ugh 4:30 is BRUTAL!!

i have never had a mcgriddle. just the thought of them makes me wana barf. sorry.

Heather said...

Dear Cassie,
I'm off today. Just sayin. :)

Unknown said...

Went to VS yesterday, the lady told me 2 people had a $500 card...I was so excited, until mine only had $10 on it! Boo! Lol!
I think you have the cutest clothes, you will look amazing on Easter!!!

Anonymous said...

I see these Frday Letters all over and I always want to do them, but then Friday comes and I feel I need to confess and forget all about the Letters. Maybe today I could spice things up and do TWO blog post!!

The pictures of Henry & Stella are too cute! Love Henry's beenie!!

Andrea Ingles said...

Too funny. I just made the comment to someone "i think i'm a 13 year old going through puberty!!" I just switched to bare minerals hoping it helps!! Have a great weekend!!

lori said...

i love your letters! especially to the redhead at the babysitters. haha! and such cute babies!