Weekend Wrap Up

Monday, March 19, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

happy monday AND a VERY happy birthday to my Gma Steibel.
we celebrated yesterday with food, family and fun.
can you believe this hot young lady already has FIVE GREAT grandchildren?!?!
we did a lot of running yesterday and wow-wee am i whooped.
i could of used another day to just sleep.
i saw a blog post the other day about how working people should get spring breaks too.
i couldn't agree more.
on to the weekend.
friday night we ate at the sportman's club with my mom and her bf.
it was my first time eating fish out there and oh.em.gee - amazeballs.
the weather was perfect, stella ran ran ran.
we had amazing company.
and the food was to die for.
all in all a GREAT friday.
which meant even more good news - my kids slept until 7:30 on saturday morning.
once everyone was up stella wasted no time and wanted to play outside.
homegirl wanted to dress herself.
all weekend i was trying to think of a good comment for this picture.
i mean minus the fact she is clearly picking her nose, that outfit is cray, pink socks and toms and heaven forbid she lets mommy comb her hair.
just think, "someone will marry this some day."  bahahahaha.
good thing this little boy is cute.
all in all we had a great saturday.
playing outside, walks, happy meals, naps, baths, quality time together.
saurday night i met up with my bffs for some much needed girl time.
i sported my red pants - which got some unwanted attention.
bahahahah - god love drunk people.
i also got made fun of for wearing lip liner and estee lauder make up.
ha, i promise i'm only 25.  oh well.
sunday we were all up at the crack of dawn.
back out to play and we literally did that most of the morning.
stella headed to my mom and lacie's around 1:00 while henry and i went to a baby shower with Kendra and Faye.
i am sad to say Henry had a first on sunday.
he was called a girl at the baby shower.
how it happened i really have no freaking idea.
he clearly was dressed as a boy.  promise i didn't put a headband on him.  ha.
oh well, cold heart like his momma he didn't take it too personal ;)
once the shower was over we loaded back up, got stella and headed to party it up with Gma.
all in all it was a great weekend.


Ashley Mitchell said...

That pic of Stella,too funny. I let Zack pick his clothes when we are at home also, I mean some of the stuff he comes up with. Lol.
Henry does NOT look like a girl. (when he doesn't have a headband on) :)

Ashley Mitchell said...

That pic of Stella,too funny. I let Zack pick his clothes when we are at home also, I mean some of the stuff he comes up with. Lol.
Henry does NOT look like a girl. (when he doesn't have a headband on) :)

Heather said...

Did you see my dad Friday night? I want to go out there for fish next Friday.

Who the heck said Henry looks like a girl?? That's crazy talk.

Cassie said...

ha at the shower, a lady was like and what's your little girls name. i was like oh stella, but she's with grandma and aunt lacie today. she was like oh yeah duh this is your little boy i forgot you have one of each. i was like oh - poor heni. lol.

Adrien said...

Glad you had such a great weekend! I enjoyed living vicariously through you reading this post, haha.

sblind2 said...

I thought Stella's hair looked cute!! It's so long and wavy!!

Um, one time brody was in head to toe in BLUE and someone asked if he was a boy or girl!!