Awkward and Awesome Thursday

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Awkward and Awesome Thursday

heyyyyy thursday!!
honestly i don't know when you got here.
this week has FLOWN by.
ps - have i ever said that I LOVE that everyone else uses PTL.
(you know, praise the lord).
anyways, it's that time again to tell you totally awkward stuff that always seems to happen to muah.
and well of course some awesome things too
so here we go......
awkward:  buying $50 worth of barney party supplies for stella's 2nd birthday.
damn you barney, DAMN YOU!!
awesome:  buying my daughter toms for her 2nd birthday!!
thank god she can't read this or it would totally ruin the surprise.
but no joke homegirl has EVERYTHING!!
anything that i think she may still want i have told other people to get for her.
you know, like tools, homegirl LOVES her some tools.
thanks to her hubby landon and his damn spinner that they fight over every.single.time.
it's time homegirl gets her own set of tools.
and then hell, i'm gona put her straight to work.  momma's got projects sweetie.
anyways, back to the shoes.  these are ordered!!
awesome.  yes, awesome.
oh another awesome thing:  my new obsession.....
Johnson and Johnson Sweet Melon
guilty of using this in my bath last night.
speaking of my bath last night......
there's a reason i take baths after my kids go to sleep, not while they are still awake.
awkward:  stella asking "what's that?"  me looking down, shaking my head, "it's a nipple sweetie, go play."
ayi yi yi.....
awkward:  being told you have a mom hair cut.  i am super self conscious about my hair anyways, hence why 90% of the time it's in a ponytail, and the other 10% it's in a hat, but really?  a mom cut?  FML.
someone give me some prenatals to grow this shit out.
awesome:  jimmy johns, enough said.
awkward:  the fact that my daughter only wants to wear gloves.  no coat, no hat, just gloves.
awesome:  heni holding is own bottle.
ok not really, but he fell asleep like this.  too cute.
ok these are both awkward AND awesome:  stella's two years pictures from CB.
password: stella.
oh my god, homegirl is MOVING in every.single.picture.
her hair is a HOT mess too.


Heather said...

OH I love these!! You haven't done and Awkward and Awesome in forever!

I experienced and Awkward/Awesome moment this morning...

Awkward: Stopping for gas and having an old man (and by old I mean about 60) come up and and ask to see the heels I have on.

Awesome: Having him turn to his grey haired wife in the car and yell "Honey, we are getting you some of these!"

Cassie said...

bahahahahaha - oh my god that's AWESOME!! hilarious!!

Nicole Hedden said...

Awkward... When I'm wearing a low cut shirt, Zoie likes to point out that she can see my boob crack, even in public!

Awesome... Calling off of work last minute and my boss not even caring :)

Lara said...

Awkward- running to iga last night after work to pick up two things for supper tonight then I started grabbing stuff that was on sale and before I know it things are falling outta my arms as I walk to the check out.
Awesome-having sirloin steaks and twice baked potatoes for supper :)

Anonymous said...

pictures..ADORABLE! The one with her head sticking in behind the chair- MY FAV :) The ones with the pink background- she looks SO grown up. I love them all :)

Heather said...

I agree with Angie...the pink ones...she looks so grown up!

Beth said...

Here's a creepy blogging question for you - how do you come up with these days?!?! I love it! TBT Tuesdays, Confession Fridays...I gots ta know. Because 1- I would like to jump into some blogging trends and 2- some days there are cute things I want to say that do not need their own post.

Awkward: I tried googling phrases like "different blogging days" - did not work how I had hoped.

Awesome: I'm just asking you instead, lol! Oh, and PTL :)

Ashley Mitchell said...

Love her pics, too cute!

Akward: Mason woke up COVERED in poop. He had a major blowout! (ok maybe this is more gross than akward, but it's all I had)

Awesome: My new heels came in that I ordered a week ago! Can't wait to pick those puppies up!

Adrien said...

Love the Toms!

Awkard: Gracie's recent habit of whipping my boob out to nurse whenever she pleases (especially when I'm not paying attention. No low-cut shirts are safe!)

Awesome: Knowing that the end of nursing is near...whether she likes it or not.

Cassie said...

nicole - i can't believe grouchy pants didn't care, AWESOME!!

lara - i don't know how we missed you. stella was hanging out in the cookie isle in her pjs. lol. classy people.

angie - thanks!!

beth - i just see the ideas on other people's blog. adrien started confession friday and it's the best!!

ashley - stella has pooped the bed MANY times. it's the grossest thing ever!!

adrien - ha i'd say it's about time to dry em up. lol.

Anonymous said...

I hoping Stella and I get the same birthday present this year. TOMS are definitely on my list!!

Funny you say that about prenatals my cousin just put on fb that you can get free prenatal vitamins at Schnucks. In the article is says they recommend women take them before and after pregnancy. Go get ya some!!

LOVE Stella's pictures. Too stinkin cute!

Anonymous said...

p.s. LOVE the new header!

Unknown said...

LOVE the toms!!! What can Brent and I get her??? 2 years!

Mary Cavalier said...

Love the pictures - such a cutie, how do you not just melt when she looks at you :)