Weekend Wrap-Up

Monday, January 10, 2011

Weekend Wrap-Up

Every time I write one of these I think, man, my life is super boring.  But oh well.  It's my life.  Friday night I worked at the ole CK. Made some sweet tips cuz baby needs some new shoes.  No joke, they are tight.  I am getting her a new pair tonight on my way home.  I felt so bad making her put her tight shoes on one last time today.  Mean Mom, I know.  Came home and Stella was already in bed so I of course went to bed myself.  Yes, in bed by 9:00 on Friday.  Love it.  Saturday it was back to the grind again at CK.  I guess since it was so f-ing cold out, no one wanted to come eat.  Oh well.  Got home and got to enjoy a little R&R with the family.  Josh and I decided we were going to use a gift card we had to South Side for dinner.  I LOVE South Side, but I LOVE South Side even more when I get to eat it with two hands.  Don't get my wrong Stella I love having meals with you, but I have literally forgotten what it's like to eat a meal with two hands.  **Note to any first time Mommies out there, before you have your baby GO OUT TO EAT!!  It will NEVER be the same again.  Even if your children aren't with you, you are still checking your phone to see if they called or heck,still noticing dried slot on your shoulder.  Yep, I said it.**  So we dropped Stella off to hang out with her Grandma and Grandpa while we enjoyed a meal.  Of course we were back home again, by 9:00 and nestled into bed by 9:30.  Woohoo, exciting life.  Sunday, we actually had plans and exciting stuff going on.  It was like the highlight of my weekend.  We were up and ready to go to the convent for church.  I have three great aunts who are nuns and in their Christmas card they wrote, "sure would be nice to see you."  Yeah if that doesn't hit you where it counts.  But we really do enjoy going to church there and we totally should more often.  Stella even enjoyed it too.  So much that at the end of mass the priest said, "Don't you just love hearing the voices of God's little ones."  That was code for, man that baby sure did talk a lot during church.  lol.  Oh well.  She's got the gift of gab.  After the convent we picked up Kacie and headed to Erin's baby shower.  Talk about cute!!  I have never seen owls look cuter in my whole entire life.  That whole family is just so creative!  And she made out like a bandit!!  Now, if she would only tell us the dang name!!  After the shower Ms. Stella needed a nap like something fierce.  Of course the whole 11 minute drive home is NOT considered a nap and for some reason the second we pull in the garage she opens her eyes.  I thought oh she is tired enough, I will just lay her in her crib and she will sleep sleep sleep.  Doh, come on Mom, this isn't your first rodeo.  Of course that's not gona work.  So for the next two hours she fought and fought it until finally, ahhhh, she fell asleep!!  Of course ONLY for 45 minutes, but she was back to normal Stella, not drama queen Stella.  I have no idea where she gets that from.  We spent the rest of the night TRYING so hard to get her to walk but she could care freaking less.  Maybe the new shoes I buy her tonight will do the trick.  I mean because hello, every 11 month old needs Nike Shox.  : )
Hope you all had a good weekend.  I would love to tell the dang snow to stay away.  I am so over the snow!