Santa 1, Stella 0

Monday, December 20, 2010


Anonymous said...

Aww Poor baby Stella. I have a feeling that is in my future as well. We are taking Kayla on Wednesday. Wish us luck!


Adrien said...

Hehe, poor thing. I almost wish Evelyn would cry or do SOMETHING when she sees Santa. She loves him and claps and goes crazy when she sees him from a distance, but as soon as she sits on his lap...nothing.

Heather said...

I love the look on Santa's face in this picture...he's all "Ooh, I think she just popped a fuse in my hearing aid".

Cassie said...

Ha, he was actually going "ooooohhh now now, no crying." it was really trying to help the situation but she was having NONE of it. too funny.