One of those days when.....
nothing fits - wrinkled shirt - wet hair - running late - gotta get gas - so tired - can't get enough coffee - a million things on my mind - worried - confused - scared - frustrated - nothing good on the radio - forgot my lunch - dropped my soda - still have gifts to get - feet hurt - shoes about to break - just want a pedicure - headache - people on my nerves - tired of going out of my way for others - need a vacation - would love some follow through - so tired of pretending - so tired of trying - ready for a break - zero gifts for the hubs - wishes today was friday --- Yeah I'm having one of "those" days. How's your day?
4 comments : need a drink.
Im having that EXACT kind of day. I think Im starting to get a cold and every little thing seems to be going wrong today along with just about everyone in the office getting on my nerves. Im quite the pleasant person today :)
I know how you feel...that is my life pretty much every other day. The only reason why today has been good is because my boss is on vacation this week...I'm dreading next week when he comes back. And, I'm pretty much over this year in general and ready for something good to happen!
Yes, I do. I have a bottle of wine calling my name when I get home.
Doesn't help I'm breaking out like a 13 year old and fixin to start. Woohoo, just makes it all even better.
Glad I'm not the only one Katie!! lol.
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