The Big Two Numbers

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Big Two Numbers

Yes, it's that time again.  Time for another oh.emm.gee my baby is getting so big post.  Today, I officially have a 10 month old.  Or in the words of Grandpa Steibel, the big two numbers!!  Ha, how I love early morning phone calls from them on your birthday.  No joke, if you don't get a call before 6:30, you start to freak.  Anyways, today Ms. Stella is 10 months old!!  Crazy.  Two months away from being a one year old.

Hard to believe 10 months ago these two crazy people walked into St. John's not knowing what to expect and left as mature parents.
Baha, ok, parents, not mature.  I mean look at your Dad, sometimes I believe he is 15. 
No joke. 
And this is TOTAL proof that your Dad gained some MAJOR baby weight too. 
Who told us black was a slimming color.  lol.
And yes those are flip flops in Feruary.  And yes that is snow on the ground.  I'm sure Doc was so happy to see me walk in like that. 

Anyways, so let's see what you have been up to:
You eat table food like a mad woman.  Forget that baby food crap.  Heat me up some meat and potatoes Momma.
You feed yourself.  Which ROCKS.  It's so much easier for Mom and Dad to eat their food using both hands, instead of feeding you with our right while we try to eat with our left. 
You are kind of a sippy cup snob.  You know which ones you like and the ones you don't like, you refuse to use.  Of course the ones you like are $6.  Of course, high dollar taste.
You LURVE Yogurt Melts.  You think you need to stick your hand in the bag and get them yourself.  However, when you try to shove four in your mouth I freak and you look at me like, "ha, just kidding Mommy."
You still say Dada and Baba like it's going out of style.  Some people try to say, oh I heard her say Mama, they are crazy, you haven't said it and you could care less to say it.  Oh well.  You love me and that's all that matters.  I'm sure I should just enjoy that you don't call me anything right now, I'm sure it could be worse.  lol.
You wear some cute little white tennis shoes to daycare every day now and you are doing really good with them.  Ok, well, this is only day two with the shoes, but so far so good!!
You are addicted to Mommy.  You want me ALL of the time.  Clingy, clingy, clingy.
You can wear cute little hair clips in your hair.  And I mean caauutte!  You don't really like the headband things that I try to force on your head anymore.  You pretty much pull them off right away.
According to your teachers at daycare you LOVE to finger paint.  Can't wait to do that at home with you soon!
You LOVE your doggie.  I just love the way you laugh at her and how you watch her.  You two will be bffs some day.
You are officially in Size 4 diapers!
You still only drink 6 ounces and I think getting you off the bottle is going to be SUPER easy.  You maybe take four bottles a day.  Which is awesome.
You can be quite the noise maker in church.  Just last weekend you were totally 'that kid' in church while you were blowing raspberries, throwing toys, talking and not being able to get comfortable.  Fun fun.
Your sleeping has had it's up and down.  Ever since my blog post you have only gotten up once during the night.  I am trying a few new things so we will see.

You are such an amazing, healthy and beautiful little girl Stella.  I love you so much and fall more and more in love with you every day.  I am so lucky to have you in my life and so fortunate God chose us for you.  I can't wait to see what all new things you learn this month.  Stay healthy and happy.  Love, Mom.